18.11. 00:09 Bid submitted - 389,354,503 C.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ZÿИΛPS™, Nov 18, 2014.

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  1. I bid on a Citadel in the daily auction, however, after the time elapsed, I have no credits and I never received the Citadel ?

    I have not played, since I have no credits.....

    Another point is, I already had the same problem before; it all started from the update that sent the timer out of Sync in Auction (still not fixed). Lastly, some dude is flying around in my Citadel and I have no credits and no Citadel?
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
  2. It probably transferred into the next auction...
    The time in the auction is slightly glitched, when you are in a different window while having the auction open, time can go pretty off, larger increments for the longer amount of time you are in a different window with auction open. Before you submit any bid, refresh the auction page and DO NOT switch tabs/windows until your bid is sent. For anything, I bid in the last 15 seconds, around 10% higher what the previous person bid, giving me a 90% chance of getting it, unless someone bids an insane amount over it.
  3. Shifterai

    Shifterai User


    Thank you KilerStreak for your assistance.

    If this isn't the case, will advise you to contact Support with this issue, as we can not assist you with this in the Forums. There is a link in my signature for Support.

    Closing as referred to Support.
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