2 problems...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -hydro1-(yce), Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. hi team... 1st one is... clan search isnt working...
    2nd one is... skylab videos aren't working. have checked firewalls and anything that may restrict it, but all is well here. i notice some days the screen is "centered" in the screen( completely black, no picture)... when on other days the screen will be off to the left of my screen, will be smaller with the same black screen.
    i wrote in about the skylab problem before and the answer i got was to do with my firewalls, so i have checked. and as it seems to be moving around, with different sizing, im sure its something u guys need to look into.

    cheers hydro1 #30385584

    ASTRAEA User

    I have passed the issue along about the clan search to have further investigation done on this matter.

    As for the videos, if you are not getting them to work it may be to a firewall or outdated flash and java. However if there are no videos available, that is an issue from the hosting company.

    I hope that this helps to answer at least part of your issue.
    Pleaser have a lovely day