2014 Darkorbit

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GunStar_The_Legend, Aug 6, 2014.

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  1. Overall id say this year so far has been a good year in DO i like what they have

    done, with the events and working out some of the glitches and bugs, the mini map

    glitches are still a thorn in my side but other than that i see many new players and

    returning players taking another stab at it. There has been a lot of good team work

    and company support for each other. What i see looks promising cant wait to see

    what the future holds.
  2. pecanin

    pecanin User

    Not very promising from my point of view

    i left DO some time in 2012 and yet there are still same bugs that were before

    we need old boxes now that DO claims that they got rid of bots (not true),i cannot make more than 15 k uri per hour with maxed bio and 10 salvage protocols

    free repair was good update

    i hate these new events

    we need gate building to be fixed ,alpha should never cost 100 000 uri ,gates should give as reward 50 % of cost to build them +ammo + drone covers/lf 4 if they give them

    we need for them to implement comprehensive protection for new players,current situation is just not ok ...true that there are lot of new players but 95 % of them quit because of same noob (bought) UFE's that camp lowers...decreasing rewards did nothing top stop farming in x3/x2

    When exactly are they going to double uri that players get for buying it and alien rewards
  3. Have to say it's been pretty good. Would like to see DO put a price on LF-4's. These booties and gates chance's are ridiculous. Hell I got enough LF-3's from booties to fill 3 ships:rolleyes: Like pecanin said, DO still have some issue's that needs to be sorted out. Yeah Gun it gonna be interesting to see how this all pans out:cool:
  4. Compare last year vs, this year...this year is destruction. Where are our quests like last year?! This just a fight over a totem poles. Where is the 'Summer Games' ?! Phft from DO and confirmed phft from me too!
  5. I'm backing after 2 years off from DO, and i haven't even logged into the game for more than 1 hour to see that nothing has changed.

    I have played a lot of games and the 2 biggest mistakes i've ever seen was:
    kill the free community from your game by putting money over game balance.
    Don't control the use of illegal programs to get something

    The free community is that make the game grow up, if there's no one to the paying players compete, most of them just get bored and stop to play, and if you give no chance to the free players get something with effort they will use bot, and this is pretty much summarizes what DO did, they put a BIG difference between paying players and free players, giving no chance to free players get something and the game was get infested by bots, and they have somehow deleted the bots from the game but it was too late, the free players have quite since they can't use bot anymore and it just have get boring for the paying players and all you got is the actual DO, if you aren't at a global a server you will walk through 5 or 6 maps without see no one.
  6. Silviu

    Silviu User

    I do believe that good time are still to come in Darkorbit because so far, the game is getting better and better, and there are a lot more players than we were at the begining of the year.