2nd Config

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by THE_GOODFELLA, Aug 17, 2014.

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  1. I can not put no CPUs on my extra what so ever.
  2. whoeva

    whoeva User

    Next time searching the forum. You might get a quicker answer but this is a long known issue. Try putting the cpu on a drone slot and then removing it and equipping as normal.
  3. It won't even go in drone slots
  4. whoeva

    whoeva User

    Then try deleting all configs on that hangar. Also pointed out in some of the other threads.
    THE_GOODFELLA likes this.
  5. What do you mean delete my configs?
  6. Nvm found the button.
  7. It worked! Thx man! Now I can share this with someone if they have the same problem xD
  8. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Thank you whoeva for assisting with this issue.

    Does the original poster have any further questions on this issue?

    THE_GOODFELLA likes this.
  9. I will change my avatar.

    ASTRAEA User

    I would like to ask you to please downsize the image in your signature.
    In the signature guideline the size allows for 200 in Height x 500 in width your current image is 1300 x 986 . This is a courtesy warning as it is a bit distracting.

    Thank you
    THE_GOODFELLA likes this.
  11. I'll just take it off then.

    You Welcome
    GOODY :)
  12. I will be closing this thread as the original issue was taken care of. If you have further issues please feel free to Open a new thread for a new issue. Thank you.
    THE_GOODFELLA likes this.
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