3 company???

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BĻØØĎ||ÂŊĢΞĻ, Jan 18, 2015.

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  1. I just want to say why you have 3 company in darkorbit?,and all can join in one clan!!,if you made 3 company why you dont make eic can join only eic clan,not vru or mmo that is little funny guys.and also when you start to play dark orbit u first have option to accept one of those 3 company for what?.also you made in clan section to switch company idk why if you can join any other clan.comon make update EIC can join only eic clan,mmo player to mmo clan,VRU to VRU clan.game will be much better and interesting for us players.
  2. Yeah..it called a multi-company clan...this needs to be fixed because that is spying and treason on your Company :mad: Can't have that insolence around here.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
    BĻØØĎ||ÂŊĢΞĻ likes this.
  3. Yea its 3 company game.and all company must be separately from other company then you have war game.
    when you look in game VRU accept MMO player in a clan,EIC accept VRU player in clan so funny hahhah and that why game will be boring so fast be cuz when you have ally with eic clan and you are eic also you cant shoot vru player because he is "EIC Clan"

    BIGPOINT please make this game much better!make company separately.and then you have space war game.thx
  4. i don't like multicompany clans either... but i think that's part of the game after all, is up to clans team up and war the multicompanies
    GHOSTofMarz likes this.
  5. yea but is really funny.3 company in one clan comon guys.

    and also when your clan have ally with such clan what you will pop then.
  6. Blurrry

    Blurrry User

    Multi-company clans are annoying. I hate when you go to take out a clan base in an enemy map and they members in EIC shooting you and you pop them and lose honor :(
  7. if they shoot you first you don't lose honor :)
  8. its really annoying multi-company.i think company must be separate from other company.and also lot of clan accept other company because of paladium map.Dark orbit must remove this for better game.
  9. I agree with Basch, its part of the game. If your clan wants to be multi comp, then it is their decision. Telling players that they can only join company clans is a bit too much. Yes we have trolls, and sometimes it sucks when you are attacking one player from a diff company, and then a player from your company who is in the same clan with them helps defeat you. But thats part of the game.
  10. this was start when is palladium come in game for sure.and all clans accept strong player because of a palladium.and also noobs looking chance for pally and they send app to that clan.
    That is not good.
  11. Then stop chatting in your Company's chat. Get a room :rolleyes: Spyers :eek: of scouts about your whereabouts :oops:
  12. its not about chat!do you read thread and also do you understand what i want to say here.
    Company must be separated from other company.then you have space war game.
    Game is bored because 3 company become friends"reason is Palladium" lol so funny.

    I think BIGPOINT must change that.
  13. People take this game too seriously. Spy? How, someone going to get valueable information that will get VRU the best latest technology over the EIC and with that technology they will destroy Earth and Mars?

    Ever since Clans were first introduced to this game, anyone can join any clan they want. Even if 49 members are EIC and one is VRU.

    But I still follow the same old school rules. Red = Dead unless they are Green.
  14. can we have aliens in our clans? D: please the 4th company, then we can have pirates too 5 companies! aliens, pirates, eic, mmo, vru in one clan c; USA west server is off balance, I remember EIC was the best comp, then mmo became best company, then all the players looked at how sxy that lady is over at vru and they all joined vru, now day VRU dominate everything even our SB, Eic Chat is dead, and I bet mmo chat is filled with nooblets that don't know crap about the game. Spying in chat is the only advantage I see, so multi company clan in my server is poop, it makes me laugh. Just pop spies, no need to complain :)
  15. Spies, pfft. It's just a bunch of people that joined one company and decide that my bestest bud in the whole wide world started playing DO and they decided to go VRU/MMO or EIC now I can join their clan and help them kill my own company without any recourse as long as I don't shoot first. This is a 2 way street do it with will do it you.

    I think this needs to change inside the game, if you join EIC and clan up with VRU or MMO you become red to ALL EIC Members and we are free to kill you without losing honor/ep and they can not WAR your Clan. It's called consequences when you join one company and clan up with another.

    Just my thought !
  16. Pelican68

    Pelican68 User

    Members of a multi-company clan should lose all company protection. They should get the outlaw tag - Lets all other players know to watch their backs. At least make the backstabbers think twice.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2015
  17. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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