3 Months(Top User Points) STILL NOT FIXED

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Ðeaтнмaтcнιng.™, May 25, 2014.

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  1. Hello Big Point, my name is Justin and I've been playing Darkorbit for about 6 years and i have never had this problem before. Never been banned for using any kind of cheats.
    > About two months ago there was a bug in Darkorbit with everyones TOP USER points, Darkorbit support team said they fixed it but they have failed to fix EVERYONES problem. For about two months and some weeks i have been having a problem with my TOP USER points and it's really starting to tick me off. I'm going to post a few pic's and explain myself.
    > Pic's are links you will have to copy and paste to view.
    > Pic Number 1: [​IMG] ( I have been talking to support for a while now about this problem and no help)
    > Pic Number 2: [​IMG] ( If you notice Hall Of Fame I'm actually suppose to be number 9 but im not because its bugged)
    > Pic Number 3: [​IMG] ( Im number 9 on that TOP USER page but not the Hall Of Fame)
    > Pic Number 4: [​IMG] ( In this pic you can see that im not on the ''TOP EXPERIENCE HOME'')
    > Pic Number 5: [​IMG] ( Once again i have 28.4 BILLION EXPERIENCE POINTS and im not even on that page)
    > Pic Number 6: [​IMG] ( Im always on top users because it, well IDK)
    > Well That's all that i have right now im able to take more SS when i log in because when i first log in it says im rank 20k.. I mean come on im lvl 23...
    > I have failed to buy any uri because its no point of getting uri and doing gates if im not actually gonna be on hall of fame.. Ive missed out on buying about 4-6 million uri to get my 3 star.
    > i need compensation and it fixed lol
    |●|♠|♥|² likes this.
  2. oh what to say... BUGORBIT like usualy :)
    |●|♠|♥|² likes this.
  4. ravodon

    ravodon User

    Just play the game, You're a beast.
  5. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    Ðeaтнмaтcнιng.™, As far as I know Support is still working on the issue. Please be patient as they try to resolve it. You will be able to continue your interaction with Support as you have already contacted them in regards to this issue.

    Closing as player has contacted Support.
    Best regards,
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