35Min+ Loading TIME

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -=MASTERED=-, Sep 21, 2014.

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  1. [​IMG] AGAIN issues with Dark Orbit ON JP! Come on what is going on can u tell us what will happen with this JP! Should i go to work or wait will you delay JP?:mad::mad::mad::mad:
    -sodmongol- likes this.
  2. i couldnt log in JPA as well i think this is just stupid ,they should make JPA again
  3. this is bad
    it load up for 35 min push start and not starting what the hell how come this jpa is not voided yet
  4. SirWart

    SirWart User

    This game is getting beyond excuses, people pay to play the game and can't even get on it, i bought over 100 booty keys and can't even get on the game, i think it's time that Dark Orbit gave something back to the players.
  5. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hi guys & girls,

    We're passing this on. I know it doesn't solve the issue for you right now, but please know we're trying to get you guys going again

    I apologize in the meantime, hopefully hear back and resolved for you all soon. All I can ask for is your patience, please bear with us

  6. so will JPA be next week again ?
  7. I had same problem too
  8. 1 hour to get on another hour to get back on after i logged out to change ship and as for the jpa it prob wont be done next week due to 2 fails so just have to wait for next months jpa hoping they fixed the problem by then
  9. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Will have to wait & see - that will be decided by higher than us. If there's any news regarding the JPA, am sure we'll see an announcement.

  10. -BlazeIce-

    -BlazeIce- User

    forget the jackpot, lets just get the game fixed first please.....
  11. Same here on US West Server ..... loading forever
  12. -BlazeIce-

    -BlazeIce- User

    I got a fresh set of batteries if ya need them....
  13. Support is aware now and is looking into this. We appreciate everyones patience.

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