3D in-game ship models

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SolarBurn, Jan 9, 2015.

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  1. SolarBurn

    SolarBurn User

    I noticed this: Everything in the shop has a visible 3D view from every angle.

    But in-game, it's just images of the ship snapping to different angles instead of a 3D model.

    If there are already 3D models for everything, why not use those models in the game?
    It would make the gameplay feel a lot smoother, it would add a nicer feel, rather than snapping to different angles without a transition between the angle snaps.
  2. hmm I don't know. Just changing the ships to 3D wouldn't be as easy because the whole game ins't 3D. If they wanted to make the ships 3D they would have to change the environment of the game as well. It would probably be DarkOrbit 2.0. lol
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    There already is plans for a 3D version of DarkOrbit (players will be able to swap between 2D and 3D whenever they want) and they have been working on it for quite some time now, so just wait a couple month and you will see ^^
  4. Yeah lol, I heard the same thing, it's probably gonna be called DarkOrbit 2.0 or DarkOrbit 3D.
  5. Hi,

    DO is a 2D game and will never be 3D, and it's better in 2D you have many space games in 3D but i find it too complicate, DO is the only 2D space game i know, and that's a good game ;)
  6. Oh Jesus that will be weird. But I think everyone saw this coming from the release of Nyx trailer. Oh god can't wait to see diminisher pew pewing in 3-D ;D
  7. If it was only that simple.
    The animation of the ships spinning in 3D were probably produced in a program like Cinema4D
    One does not simply make a HD 3D game that easily :p
  8. SolarBurn

    SolarBurn User


    I'm glad they're working on it, I've been looking forward to see that happen.

    Sure, the game will not become BSGO but it will still have the simple mechanics that i enjoy.
  9. No 3d dark orbit will be weird as hell, no point in it. do not see how you would even make this 3D unless you changed game mechanics completely.
  10. Into something like BSG, eh? XD
  11. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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