4th of July

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SauronL, Jun 30, 2014.

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  1. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Could i ask if will be in shop on 4th of July available USA design and centaur design ? Thanks
  2. independence will more than likely be in the shop to buy for about 18$
  3. Silviu

    Silviu User

    I already have Independence design, and Centaur was available a few days ago for 24 hours.
  4. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    SauronL, Unfortunately we do not know when a special design will be available. The best ting to do for the USA design, is to check in on the 4th. As for the Centaur design, it appears randomly so check in often and look in the Designs page in the shop.
    Do you have any further questions on this topic or may we close?

    Best regards,
  5. can the uk servers celebrate the 4th of july too. we're thankful they declared independance
  6. That's not how it works lol.
  7. So why do u want USA design and centaur ??? get a ship that helps u hunt
  8. It looks nice lmao.
  9. Keep your eyes on forums and back page. ;)

    Closing as answered
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