5-3 problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by †JUÐĞξ†PΪŦBUζζ†[ZΞЯØ, Feb 22, 2015.

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  1. i can fly through any map in game with out problem as soon as i go to 5-3 i can fly down to paladium fields i loss conection evertime 21901608 user id gb1
    PURE_CHAOS likes this.
  2. This is not a new problem you must have been a very lucky person to not have had it happen to you sooner !
  3. its been like it since the new up date
  4. What new Updates ? and when did this happen ?
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2015
  5. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi there,

    We have had several reports of users (not all), having issues when they jump into or leave the 5-3 pirate map. This issue has been passed on to be looked at.

    We can only apologise for the inconvenience this issue may cause you in the meantime.



    Im having the same problem in 5-3 for the last 4 days now too:mad::(

    ASTRAEA User

    As mentioned, this issue has been passed on for further investigation.
    We appreciate your patience in this matter.
    Does the Op have any further questions on this topic?

    Please have a nice day!
  8. im also having an issue with cubes in 2-6 i start too shoot the cube it disapears and game freezes i can use the chat and fly back too port but everything else has frozen out

    ASTRAEA User

    I will pass this further information on to see if it is related or if it is currently known.

    Please be patient as these issues are being looked into.
  10. DJXL.SA.TX

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    Thanks to you problem located... It is in map 5 3, that my problem stated and kept saying that my Flash Player has Crashed and I was not able to log back on to the same map... So there is a bug in map 5-3.

    What I did I log in to an other ship that is not on the same map and it worked again, but if you try to log on to 5 3 it will keep booting you out, so log in to another hanger and it will work again...

    If you don't have another hanger then you have to wait until someone kills you lol
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2015

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you very much for the work around to the log / connection issue:

    Posted by DJXL.SA.TX

    "What I did I log in to an other ship that is not on the same map and it worked again, but if you try to log on to 5 3 it will keep booting you out, so log in to another hanger and it will work again...

    If you don't have another hanger then you have to wait until someone kills you lol "

    Hopefully the above suggestion will help some players get back to enjoying their game.
    Again, many Thanks
    Have a nice day
  12. .MARDUS.

    .MARDUS. User

    Still not working :(
  13. I switched hangars to my Leo and was able to sell a shipment, then switch back to the Goli and send another full one, but loading the map again is the same for the ship on 5-3. Is it true that if I stay logged on someone can "mercy kill" me? I could get someone to do that from the clan, but would be afraid to start a pile up of failed ships all at the same place. Would it be like the Monty Python "Milkman" sketch where the babe seduces the milkmen and sends them into a room, promising to be right there and when the last one turns around he sees a whole bunch of older milkmen and skeletons of dead ones crowded into the room with him...?

    Global America 2
    ID# 69619662
  14. so nobody knows why this is happening not really a good enough answer in my eyes i pay to play this game and im having issues with it so telling me i have to wait till somebody pops me to sort it out is a bit of a kick in the face dont ya think
  15. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hello all,

    Can i ask whether the users who were getting disconnected are still having these issues? We have been informed that support did fix an issue that they believed was causing these issues for you. I hope that this was the case and that you are no longer experiencing these issues.

  16. the cube problem has gone but the 5-3 issue still remains
  17. BB-popper

    BB-popper User

    can anyone tell me why we can not get into the hanger or the gate spins area at this time i have tried both for at least 4 hours now and can not get into either area to reconfig my ships or do gate spins to build my gates? what is wrong here and is it being looked into yet?
  18. keano

    keano User

    we should get compensation for this, ive had the same problem and when someone kills you you go back to 2-8 so have to fly back there.
  19. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi there,

    Please read the Official Announcements, support have announced some Hitac related compensation in regards to the recent issues. Can i ask for those who are still experiencing it, what 5-3 issue is it that is still ongoing? I only ask because i have seen some people say it has been fixed, whereas others are still getting a flash player error when they get killed there.

    If you are able to describe the issue you are still experiencing then that would be of great help.

  20. .MARDUS.

    .MARDUS. User

    For me its fixed now. Thanks!