50% Booster

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by blaster7012, Jun 4, 2014.

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  1. I have a question concerning the 50% boosters that are available every Wednesday.
    From my experience they have consistently alternated between Honor and Experience. This works great when you are trying to build your Badge and User Rank points.
    I prepare for each week to maximize the potential increase in Honor and Experience.
    Last week and this week they are Honor boosters.
    Well this week I am prepared to work on experience, I have Missions ready to complete. Now will next week be a Honor or Experience booster? Is there any good answer to this or will it be random chance response?
    (itching to finish "No Guts, NO Glory" mission 745/750 Goliaths)
  2. whoeva

    whoeva User

    No doubt the reply will be that the 50% boosters are "random." This gives them the option of actually changing them from time to time as they have done this week. Not much you can do except do gates, try to avoid popping golis and accidentally completing your quest or just not playing until next ep booster is on.
  3. Hello blaster7012

    Thank you whoeva for assisting with this thread.
    The 50% booster day is random and you have to be logged into your back page to check whether it is available for sale or not.

    Well you can check this thread to find out about the events> Event Thread

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as answered.
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