500 spins compensation lmao where the rest

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -»ĦΘŁŁΘЩ†KΘRPδΣ«-, Sep 19, 2014.

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  1. so your tell me a noob that used no uri for nano and x1 only and got to round 2 get the same as a person like me who used allot of uri to build nanohull ???????
    please explain this in detail used almost 250k uri for nano and u give me 50k worth of uri in spins id have rather got nothing i feel robbed
  2. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    one does not simply use x1 to get to round 2 in jpa.

    get wrecked with rage
  3. ramnik

    ramnik User

    I got to round 2 without using x1 but instead i used rockets :p i found a flax noob i feel so pro now