70% dark orbit blast time booster

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GunStar_The_Legend, Nov 13, 2014.

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  1. What is this booster for exactly?
  2. looks like a 10% normal booster added to you're basic booster time if you already have one running
  3. where do you see this booster at exactly?
  4. 500 spins with a dmg booster 10% for 10 hours


    I'm pretty sure this is not another boost that goes on top of your damage boost but probably just a normal damage booster, which you can get from the auction.
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I don't know about other but I got offered it after completing a gate.
  7. lilcriper

    lilcriper User

    kappa gate?
  8. Thanks to my friend, he gave me some info about this booster :).

    This is not same booster like other shield, dmg, repiar etc. It's just an offer.

    This pack gives (with 4,99$) 500 extra energy to galaxy gate and 6h dmg booster. The most interesting part is that i dont know is that dmg booster shared or normal. Or could it be a new, DMG-03 damage booster?

    But why it's called 70% blast time booster? I have no idea at all :D.
  9. `Luke

    `Luke User

    I know, when I seen this thread I went to do a gate really quick to get the offer, when I finally got it I was disappointed. The name is deceiving.
    I assume the booster is regular one, but if someone wishes to buy the package, please confirm.
  10. Its a regular 10 hour dmg-b01 booster that is all.
  11. Translation:
    Time to blast!
    Build aq Galaxy Gate and unleash your wrath on the aliens within!