A guide to getting UFE

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by TheShadows, Feb 20, 2016.

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  1. Dr.Led[GR]

    Dr.Led[GR] User

    may i just suggest something?

    What i have been doing the last 1-2 months:
    I found a good clan with many allies. This way i could farm freely in 5-3 (most of the times at least)
    By farming palladium, i get around 1500 energies ever 8-10 days, and this is enough to complete a zeta.
    I have done 4 zeta gates by now and, combined with the credits i get from skylab, i have bought 6 irises, 6 BO2, 3 LF3, and i have found in booty boxes (with the keys form zeta) another 7-8 BO2, 4-5 LF3 and 2 LF4. I have also bought a moth formation and spent another 100.000 uridium on log disks (all my urdium purchases take place during discount days) and i currently have 17 pilot points, and i am waiting the next log disk discount to spend another 50.000

    Before 2 months i had:
    7 flaxes 1 iris 1 apis
    10 LF3
    13 BO2
    12 pilot points

    After JUST DOING ZETA GATES (among other things that kept me for getting bored but gave no reward)
    7 irises 1 flax 1 apis
    20 LF3
    24 BO2
    2 LF4
    17 pilot points

    What i want to say is this: when you have a descent ship that can get alive through zeta (which is really easy, i first did it with a 3000 damage goliath, no shield, no formation) you just do ZETA gates untill you get ALL your HAVOCS. By the time you get the havocs (people say you need to do 20-30 zeta gates) you will have earned enough rewards to be able to deal those 60.000 deadly shots, and you will practically be strong enough to kill cubicons, boss kristallon etc so you will be earning up to 30-50.000 uridium PER HOUR.

  2. I don't believe you, for earning such a high amount of Uri You need Kamikaze Or/AND expensive non-LCB :/
    The BEST WAY EVER (for free player) is: Killing StreuneR! 15 Uri!!!!! I earned up to 7200 Uri per hour !
  3. never i repeat never go for these ripoffs spend the same money on MHH and you get a lot more for your buck 30$ american will get you 225k uri on MHH even without discount that's 150 keys i think the 120 key ripoff is 40$ american now add rebate, flash sale 25% and premium you get 333.333keys at 675 a key for 10$ cheaper

    another clarification upgrade hour is every other friday at 7 pm game time. MHH every sunday at 8 pm game time
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  4. Dr.Led[GR]

    Dr.Led[GR] User

    true, i missed something there. i already had 30-40.000 before i started the zeta gates. now you should get it right ;) (each zeta gives 45000 TOTAL uridium). i also do play with x2 only. i earn around 80.000 x2 each time i build a zeta so i dont mind spending them too.

    you say you earn 7200 per hour. I dont, i collect 2000 palladium per hour. In 10 hours, i get 20.000 palladium (round it up a little bit and you get a total of 1400 energies). So in 10 hours, i build a zeta, which gives 45.000 uridium, 25 booty keys(25.000 uridium on sale) 50 log disks (10500 uridium on sale), ~30.000.000 credits and the chance to get a havoc. (plus the ammo from the energies). Oh, i also get 25.000 x4.

    in 10 hours, you get 72.000 uridium, no ammo, no havoc, too little credits (due to rockect launcher consuption) while i get a total amount of 80.500 uridium + chance for havoc + a descent amount of credits + lots and lots of ammo

    So, yeah... i prefer my way ;)
  5. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Yeah, those keys are a rip-off.

    Venom do u mind if I could use your information about upgrade times and MHH, to compile a section in about these times (so that it would be easier for people to read it, instead of scrolling thought many posts)?
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  6. 2000 Palla=around 133 Extra Energy, Zeta needs around 1700, so you need around (1700/133=) 12 hours. Don't forget the time for completing Zeta (1,5 hours?). My average Uri per hour is 6500; 13,5*6500=87750. But only 25K UCB is better than (87750-80500=)7250 Uri.
    That's the sticking point: I din't want to have more Logfiles, I have enough, so....
    And every weekend there are Ufe enemies on the Palla fields who killed me toooo often...that hurt...:(

    But for ULTRA UFE you way is really better ;)
  7. Something to add is its not a good idea to buy apis as soon as you can, because your wasting more time, keys and even uri to possibly get zeus parts.I worked my apis down to 210k uri on an apis event, with only 5 parts collected for zeus.I spent 2 mill uri collecting gold boxes along with keys from 30+ zeta and kappa(at the time) for lf4s and zeus parts and ended up finding 45 parts for apis before finally getting zeus to 7 parts.So I told my members to not buy apis first but instead keep saving keys from gates and pick up gold boxes till zues was a price they were ok with spending on the drones..A member of mine bought both his apis and zeus for under 100k uri each.

    Boxing is better when you have boxing doubler, or atleast boxing bio with some salvage protocols.But I do suggest boxing during events for free ammo but occasionally farm something else for an adequate income of uri and or gate spins.

    (Something to mention for upgrades) Its best to "example" upgrade all 8 or 10 drones 1 lvl at a time together because by doing this you gain a higher % of shields and dmg for a lower price vs upgrading 1 item to lvl 16.And the quickest way to balance your survivability is to upgrade your drones first as your speed configs or slow configs would both benefit regardless of how you config them whether its full guns on drones, full shields on drones or somewhere in-between.
  8. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Hmm you might be right about the Apis drone.

    About boxing being better than palla, I should have added that I mean't without doubler, boxing is worse. Adding boxing bio is too expensive.

    And yep ill make it clearer that it is better to upgrade them all one level instead of making one to lvl16.
  9. yep no worries those are the pattern they in now DO can change anytime they want or not even run if they choose but has been this way for a while
  10. bd33

    bd33 User

    lmao rubbish you can get 100+ spins per hour boxing with uri and ammo also " hangers max , goli,pusat,sear,aegis anything more is a waist" if you want to waist time on 5+ hanger go for it but that uri is only needed on 4 hangers....
  11. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Without doubler, no.
  12. At first I was upgrading one of each laser,shields, drones. But as you said I see now the benefit of doing all the drones first(damage /shields)
    My first drone config. purchase was the arrow then moth. I recently got the "X" for farming NPC's for it's benefits.I haven't bought any other uri drone configs. yet. With auto-resource I can fill uo my Pusat with 3240 palladium in a relatively short amt. of time. Since I don't feel like constantly switching ships to my Surgeon. I had 10 hangers which I purchased before the change . I have Aegis Elite but did not have much luck surviving attacks from hunting parties or strong single player so I opted for speed as my get away.
    I neglected upgrading my stuff sooner and now am playing catch up.
    However I was not aware that you can have more than one of the same protocols on P.E.T.
    For the most part I consider "The Shadows" advice sound on all levels and will try to implement them sooner than later
  13. Boxing is better than Palla on my server. I earn around 8K Uri AND 50 EE per hour. (no doubler, 5 salvage protocols lv2, tractor beam and luck 1). As a F2Per I could buy for 70 Uri 1 EE (30% sale). So I can get for 8K Uri 114 EE, plus 50=164 >2000 Palla.

    Nevertheless I have already heard unlucky players, which can't collect these amount of Uri and EE.
  14. boxing is always better than pally it takes almost 4 hours to get a ship load of pally that like 250 spins
    equal to about 14k uri
    boxing for 4 hours will get you a lot more than 14k uri
  15. guys does the radar protocol of pet when stack example 5 of them lvl 3 makes range wider?
  16. Well yes, that was me. Too unlucky!
    Can you imagine that (Full Boxing Bio + doubler + 9 lvl 3 salvage and 3 lvl 3 radar) I did only 9.8k of U. in just 1 hour !!

    but then I learned what I was doing wrong and I can now get 18k-20k U. + 70-110 free GG spins per hour of pvp boxing. The thing is that boxing is limited per day or until the server restarts. and from my experience that the more you box the more your chance of getting U. and Free GG spin will degrade over time. So best thing is to keep boxing for a max of 4-6 hours/day and if you could separate the times of boxing like take 1 hour then do something else then take 2 more hours of boxing then go shoot something etc. You can't box all day!! when your boxing seed goes down, no matter how many boxes you collect and no matter what map are you in. you'll never make more tha 10k with that setup. Originally, you should be doing over 20k.

    yes, they do stack and make the range wider. But I find 3 lvl3 radars is just enough
  17. Tugile

    Tugile User

  18. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Did a test on how quickly i could get 100 spins just pallying. Took me approx 30 mins in a vengi. Pet level 9. Radar protocols 4 level 2. Used about 1k fuel.