A suggestion

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by [Hårry_PØtter], Mar 7, 2014.

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Do you agree with a no PVP day once a month

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    who is suggesting removing PvP from the game?

    DO is little better than a farming game these days!

    How often do you have a battle that is affected by skill?

    It would be fun and a leveler to see an event that as a minimum gave all participants the same or similar battle ability;)

    The best time I had playing DO, was in a 3 irs veng with 1 lf2 on my ship to look weak so i could shoot red x1 to x3 :)
    back then I could 2v1 2 golis in a 3 iris veng.

    These days it is sad to see that an Ubre WW or cheat makes the game

    DO should introduce an event that levels the playing field so we all can experience and enjoy a PvP event rather than the farming game we have today.
  2. I agree pacman the skill of the game doesn't exist anymore 4 years ago i would battle other golis and near on kill them and then another battle i'd wipe the floor with them now we have power mongers with lf4s at lvl 16 doing over 200k damage its not skill it just who is the strongest of players
  3. one advise, dont play this game, in the long run, u will have to spend money to be good in battle or spend a lot of time to farm and get Ammo. Conclusion: told u so.
  4. Wildside yes that is true but if like myself you don't really want to spend money then you can take the more longer, harder route then it is possible to become stronger but a lot more harder that pulling out your credit cards but it is possible.
  5. Yes..

    How about an "all things being equal" day...

    Or only a two hour event... not all day....not sure how the details would work, but as Pac said, have an event where most things would be equal, and skill would show up.

    Heck..make it an event that you must jump to in order to participate , like invasion gate.
    You pick from a set of pre-configed classes, and battle an equal opponent.

    EDIT : Sorry I kinda hijacked the thread with a diff idea, just typing on my toes. :)
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2014
  6. Yes that would be a good idea
  7. Yes, I like this! Maybe when you jump thru the gate you end up in an alternate
    universe where everything is balanced out. H'mm or we could be going back in time
    before all the crazy updates and botters:cool:
  8. How about "everyone is ufe day", where everyone gets maxed out in level 16 LF4s, level 16 BO2s, pilot bio, boosters, Seprom, all designs, ammo, etc.

  9. Yes good idea but i doubt that it would be implemented probably same goes for my idea but we never know but that would be awesome and fun at the same time.

    Just had a thought while typing above message block that there could be a twist to it being,

    UFE Team Deathmatch Event
    using your idea in this (not taking credit for it as you thought of it just adding a twist)

    obviously its TDM but as soon as you jump into battle you are equipped with what sirpwnsalot34 posted so that you are all on level ground which would be the best TDM battle everyone battle with the best of everything.

    sirpwnsalot34 Your idea is good in the sense that again that it levels everyone out on the battlefield
  10. Yes, perhaps have the only difference be that you have to use your own ammo IE : rsb, X4, Smb, Ish. So the biggie WW's can have the advantage they paid for to some degree.
  11. there's is the problem we have too many people with an advantage just because they pay but everyone forgets about the people who dont want to pay, its disappointing to know that us no paying players get shoved to the back when we should be equals to the other players would be nice for a change to be noticed when it comes to other events and what not because we have no advantage nor the money to line bigpoints pockets people that spend their money is their choice yes but we need a change up in priorities to bring us in the picture

    yeah but nature has nothing to do with this as nature has no role in the universe of darkorbit just wallet crunchers and us "free" players aren't being noticed enough to suffice the need to pay for the reason that some of us dont have the many 100s to put in on MHH or HH for the simple reason that we have other things that use that money and we just get shoved to a back seat its not right we need to be brought into the picture more than we are because its annoying that when someone attacks there doing over 200k whats that all about the havocs lf4s are just stupidly over powered when you get people like myself with lf3s and no way of getting lf4s even if i wanted to, lf4 days always happen when most of us cant get online, and we dont get a chance when we are online because ive noticed that once i get the uri for the booty keys the boxes are gone because wallet hoggers are going round collecting every single one its not fair (dont even comment on fairness) we need to be shown we are included into the game more we dont have events enough to help the non-paying players instead its more of a game aimed at the strongest players and its all wrong in my eyes more events are needed to help the noobs shall we say get upto a level of equipment that can help us fight back but instead we get more events like tdm being changed forget tdm we need more for the weaker players to combine help to get equipment together and have just that bit more fun, and fun isnt killing off other players its boring and useless just for some rank points just to be ranked 1 players but what are the benefits well there are none other than you become the biggest target of all and the ranking its another useless part of the game all the people do here is kill other players and i said before i dont see the point nor do i bother now but yet seeing someone run is a sign of weakness in other players eyes but personally its a clear sign say GO away i dont want to fight you're overpowered and just done right annoying and then you get others that attack and run personally they are wusses why attack if your not gonna follow through as for pirate maps there should be more demilled zone because of the perthetic players that attack on neutral maps that everyone agreed to and now people are breaking that agreement all because players want to collect pally with the pet now we get penalized by doing it by bigpoint and by other players constantly killing us i've been in there once since and i got killed by some noob thinking they own the maps but what some dont understand is that its not their maps they are everyone and as for the battleray tried to get that quest waited to see what was happening and i get accused of stealing a kill to be fair if your gonna kill it do it your self instad of bring a grunt to defend you it doesnt have your name on it and you still say its my kill well sorry no its not you people are just bullies and grunts and we need to have a change around on here and personally the lf4s need to go they are pointless and overpowered and no one should do more that 150k damage because it is ridiculous to see people doing 200k or even more all because of the lf4s they need to be either removed or modified to do less damage lf3s are more than efficient
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 29, 2014
  12. pecanin

    pecanin User

    Every time this suggestion comes up same players are against it ...i wonder why .

    Only way that "noob farming" will stop is if BP does something to stop it but they won't as entire game..every aspect of it is geared towards one end ....to make you spend ..now more then ever .
    XenoPhobicUK likes this.

  13. you complain too much,
    the game is free on all its aspects, and it does not require you to buy anything at all.
    if you dont like how it is leave the game, no one is holding you back.
    The game is actually very easy, but you all wanna rush through it when it actually takes 3 months working hard to get to a level when they cant kill you that easy...

    just to let you know, a battle between two UFE it takes a decent time to be over so everything is alrught.

    btw reduce lf4 power? then what is the purpose of having lf4s?
    sorry cant have the time to read all what u wrote...
  14. It's a PvP game. If you can't keep up with that, I suggest you play something else that has PvE. Like, Warframe or something.​
  15. A big NO on this one.

    You will simply end up with quite a few players not wanting to be killed & they will all end up in the lower maps. This will also allow the better players to go around killing more npcs & will do noobs & weak players more harm than good.

    No-one forces you to pay money in this game & more importantly, no-one forces you to play. I have a teenage son who worked hard to get his account up to level 20, but became disillusioned with the game & doesn't play any more. Game is essentially a PvP game & if you cannot take it, then simply DO NOT PLAY!!
  16. Peo0pl3GA5

    Peo0pl3GA5 User

    is this an english essay ur writting?
  17. lol no its not an essay lol, and I understand the game is a pvp game but it would be nice for more events aimed at the entire base of all players we only have a few and would bring the fun back to the game before all the updates there was a fun element to the game, I'm not denying the fact the updates have added more ways to play with more difficulty added as well which is understandable and im not complaining even if i was then im allowed to, but you turning round and saying then leave and don't play thats my choice and as player im just trying to get everyone think of more ideas to make the game more enjoyable and to suit everyone's needs.

    If everyone keeps posting posts that are telling people what to do i will have an admin close the thread because i am trying hard myself not to insult anyone, i wont deny I started off bad but I have made an effort so I would respectfully ask everyone to try to keep all insults off this post please

    I'm not saying make it easier and as for the lf4s i believe they are overpowered we were doing just fine with lf3s and there are loads that have an lf4 config and an lf3 config and i have to say i have all lf3s and haven't even bothered trying to get lf4s i dont see the point look at the different ways you obtain them lf3s you can buy easily lf4s you have to spend tons off uridium on booty keys and even then you might not get them that often lf3s you can get 100% easy just get the uri either way you want to and yes i understand the game is free and thats the way i play and at times putting a small amount into the game but not that often and i'm never online when mhh & hh happens so in that case i know its a free game and a pvp but some of us including myself don't like pvping and aren't able to for the reason that we arent given a chance to fight back even in our own maps.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 12, 2014
  18. iam a paying player so all uber fe gate noo but going back to the old times YEAAAA
  19. Dane going back the the old game is never gonna happen which sucks would of liked to have played the old copies of darkorbit :) but we can all make the new version better for us all if we were to work together
  20. Peo0pl3GA5

    Peo0pl3GA5 User

    lol sorry i was being a jerk :)
    but to make more event will not work, the company which owns pally will almost win every time any event,thats the case in my server.
    the only thing which will bring back a good competition between companies vs companies will be if we actually removed the god damn pally maps OR if the aliens started giving twice as much uridium as now. this is the reason ALL event start to suk now and no one have whites in the other company and the company who control pally got all the whites and even if there are some UFE trying to fight they get owned as they are only 2-3 vs a whole lot of 1 company who control the 5-3
    so yea
    1) remove pally or make it less motivating to change company in order to pally like (1 energy= 20 or even 30 palladium)
    2)add uridium to all aliens so people start killing aliens like they used to rather than sticking to 1 awful map 5-3. i even see colonel pally for the whole week its crazy, its like if u dont pally then ur an idiot :)