Abbreviations Guide for Dark Orbit

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by Oracle, Jan 30, 2014.

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  1. Oracle

    Oracle User

    Hello.Today I decided to create a Thread that will have all the abbreviations needed for Darkorbit Chat/Forum . This will help a lot of Newbies Understand what other people say or write.I hope You find my guide usefull
    Let's start:

    GB1=Great Britain
    GB2=Great Brirain 2
    GE1/2/3/4/5/6/7= Global Europe 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
    GA1/2/3/4/5=Global America 1/2/3/4/5
    GER 1/2/3/4/5/6/7=Germany 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
    BR = Brasil
    RU = Russia
    Turk= Turkey
    PL= Poland
    Hun= Hungary
    Cz= Czech Republic
    FR= France
    SC= Scandinavian
    It= Italy
    Sp= Spain

    Game Language:

    cred= Credits
    hon= Honor
    exp= experience
    lvl= Level
    uri = uridium
    Goli= Goliath K10
    Veng= Vengeance
    Leo= Leonov
    pet=P.E.T. 10
    egg = Pheonix
    bboy = Bigboy
    Cit= Citadel
    spear= Spearhead
    aeg= aegis
    speccy= spectrum( design)
    assasin Conf = Full speed/Lasers Configuration
    tank conf = Full shield configuration
    bmpas= Battlemaps(4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5)
    Lowers= Lower start system(1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4/ 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4/3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4/4-1 4-2 4-3)
    Uppers(1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8/2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8/3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8/4-4 4-5/ 5-1 5-2 5-3)
    pirates: Pirate maps(5-1 5-2 5-3)
    Pally map = 5-3
    Pally= paladium
    trade pally = trade palladium for galaxy gate energys
    Bray= Battleray(Npc)
    Sabo= saboteurs(Npc)
    Bara= barracudas(Npc)
    Inter(s) = Interceptors(Npc)
    lil lord= lordias (Npc)
    Mlord = Lordakiums(Npc)
    devs = devolariums(Npc)
    big sibs = sibelons(Npc)
    lil sibs = Sibelonits(Npc)
    bk = Kristallon(Npc)
    bbk= Boss kristallon(Npc)
    ubk= Uber kristallon(Npc)
    sk/lk = Kristallin(Npc)
    bsk/blk = Boss kristallin(Npc)
    usks= Uber kristallins (Npc)
    cube(s)= Cubikon(s)(Npc)
    prot= protegit(Npc)
    Icys= ice meteroid/icys( Special Npc)
    kukurbers= Kukurbium/Cucerber ( Special Npc)
    bs= battlestation
    Ufe= Ultra Fully elite(Full Upgrades/havoc/Hercules/Lf4 etc..)
    Fe= Fully elite(Lf-3/iris/Goli/Veng/Leo/Bo3/Speed gens etc)
    Auto Lock = cheating
    bot = Cheating
    sb= SpaceBall (Event)
    ctb= capture the beacon (Event)
    sc= sector control (Event)
    tdm= Team deathmatch (Event)
    Uber Cubes = Crazy Cubicons (Event)
    jpb(old)= Jackpot Battle( Special Event)
    jpa(current)= jackpot Arena(Event)
    Cubikon graveyard= Secret map accesible only via jump chip(random Chance)
    GG= galaxy Gate
    GG spin = Galaxy gate energys
    gg parts= Galaxy gate parts
    x1= Lcb-10 lazer ammo
    x2= Mcb-25 laser ammo
    x3= Mcb- 50 laser ammo
    x4 = Ucb-100 laser ammo
    x6= rsb-75 laser ammo
    emp= Emp Pulse
    smb= smart bomb
    ish= insta shield
    ddm= Direct damage mine
    decloak mine = Emp mine
    mine = acm mines
    sep = seprom ore
    Prom = promerium ore
    dur= duranium ore
    end = endurium ore
    terb= terbium ore
    xeno= xenomit ore
    dev = Devourer( gg zeta)
    melt= melter( gg zeta)
    scor= scorcher ( gg zeta)
    gg epsi = galaxy gate epsilon
    ww= wallet warrior( Bigspender)
    free player = user who doesnt pay
    combo = x4 quickchanging x6
    hstm= hellstorm rockets
    rl= rocket launcher
    rep Bot = repair bot
    special = ablities
    venom = venom goliath Design
    Solo cubes = 1 man cubikons(Do not shot)
    port huggin = not leaving portals
    npc bashing = Killing Npc's
    clan jumper= person who joins and leaves a lot of clans in a short time
    credit moaner/beg= user who begs for credits in clan
    kami= pet Kamikaze Gear
    prot = pet protocol
    pallying = collecting palladium
    Pvp = player vs Player
    PvE = player vs NPC

    I will add a few more once I remeber more :p I hope this guide helps you guys out there.It's hard trying to remember all the stuff In darkorbit


  2. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    This is very helpful for noobies! Good job :)
  3. Also

    brp = bottom right port
    blp = bottom left port
    trp = top right port
    tlp = top left port

    and its bmaps not bmpas :p

    Nice thread
  4. Next-Rise

    Next-Rise User

    Phenonix is also called a peanut, and the abbreviation for the clan battle station is cbs no bs.
  5. CBS, can also be base as well.
  6. boxing = cruising around collecting bonus boxes
  7. In "PvE = player vs NPC", I think E means environment, would help to mention that
  8. PS they are b02s not B03s
  9. ShockWave-

    ShockWave- User

    PvE is player vs entity
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    PvE is Player vs Enviroment.

    Last edited by moderator: Jan 11, 2015
  11. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Auto-Lock and Bots aren't cheating.

    Auto-lock is Automatic locking, where a Third-party program instantly locks anything it has been programmed to lock.
    Bot(s) is Robots. Basically, they play the game for you/change certain aspects of game-play to your advantage. Again, Third-party assisted.

    Both of them do fall in the category of cheating, but it's best to actually describe generally what they are.
  12. In addition to the abbreviations,
    A gate- alpha gate
    a gate is very different from A gate (referring to any gate)
    B gate- beta gate
    G gate- gamma gate
    D gate- delta gate (Y gate)
    zeta for zeta gate
    kappa for kappa gate
    instead of assassin, in USA west we call it suicide config for full lasers, max speed, no shields
    LD- log disk
    PP- pilot points (earned with log disks)
    Bid- needing to put down bid auction
    SD- skill design
    Kami- Kamikaze gear fitted on the P.E.T. 10 (very deadly)
    HH- Hanger hall
    HH- Happy hour
    MHH- Mega happy hour
    UH- Upgrade hour
    Nano- extra hp you get from galaxy gates (it will show up as a yellow HP bar)

    depending on your sever, there should be different type of abbreviations, i.e. some people call it egg, some call it peanut, some call it pnut in replacement for the phoenix.
    Every Day Is Christmas For Me!:confused:
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2015
    Peo0pl3GA5 likes this.
  13. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    We also call it being on a suicide in US4
  14. Does anyone actually still use suicide configs?
  15. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

  16. Flakes - old term for lil k's

    Hunting/group locations - think of the map as a Clock, for example
    -12 is the center top of the map
    -3 is the center right
    -6 is the bottom center
    -9 is the center left
    and 0 is the center of the map
    ex. :"enemy going to 12 from 3" meaning enemy going from right mid to top mid, or "tons of enemy at 0" DO NOT GO TO MID MAP, lol jk enemy at mid map.

    you are welcome to fill in the spaces, very useful and widely used.

    Oh yeah, my favorite config with moth formation. :) see ya on the maps.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  17. Nice to see "prot" can mean 2 different things and yet be used in the same statement (e.g. gotta get 3 prots), I see people saying getting gits instead of prots on USA West.
  18. 444run9

    444run9 User

    this is amazing wish i had this when i first started then again i dont really go on forums but really helpful no the less