Abbreviations - In Game

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 16, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User


    List of abbreviations in DarkOrbit

    ACC = account
    Ammo = Ammunition
    BA = boardadmin
    BB = bigboy
    BP = BigPoint
    CfA = cash for action
    CA = Chatadmin
    CM = chat moderator
    CR/cred = credits
    DO = dark orbit
    EE = extra energy
    EP = experience points
    FM = Forum Moderator
    GA = Game Admin
    Gen = Generator
    GG = Galaxy gate
    GGG = Galasy gate Spinner
    Goli = Goliath
    HH = happy hour
    HP = hitpoints
    Jg = Jump gate
    Kilo = k, means 1000, z.B 1 k = 1000
    Leo = Leonov
    Locked = to keep Npc/Enemy in site on mini map
    LOL = loughing out loudly lol (laugh out loud)
    Lordi = Lordakia
    LVL = level
    MHH mega = happy hour
    M / mil = million
    N = non-attack zone
    NPC = non-player character / computer-controlled opponents
    OA = official announcements
    Omw = On my way
    Pop = destruction of the ship
    PM = private message
    Prom = Promerium
    PS = pilot sheet
    Ref = refining
    RL = rocket launcher
    Rep = Repairing
    Sep = Seprom
    SM/Smod = super moderator
    TDM = team Deathmatch
    URI = Uridium
    unload = Go to base to sell Resources
    Veng/vengie = vengeance

    List is expanded regularly
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