? about hangar

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Zyher-SuB, Aug 22, 2014.

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  1. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    Gonna wait on a mhh to get me another hangar, but i need a hangar faq to help guide me.

    Will i still have access to the same equipment as to my first hangar? If so will upgrades on one hangar effect another?

    Whatever happens overall, for example popping a drone or popping the ship, shooting down NPC in one hangar, will it effect another?

    there are many many other questions out there but i just need a general faq about everything with hangars
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Nope equipment doesn't work across all hangers, if you put a laser on your ship or drones in hanger 1 then you cannot use it in hanger 2 also at the same time.

    Drones go across all your hangers, so if you lose a drone in hanger 1 you lose it in all your other hangers. The P.E.T also goes across all hangers.

    However the equipment you put on your hanger or drones does not go across all hangers, it stays in the hanger your put it in unless you then take it off and put it on again in another hanger.

    Hanger FAQ

    If you have any questions that aren't in the FAQ then just drop them in this thread and they will be answered :)
  3. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    Thanks just read the hangar faq,

    And just to clarify, if i buy a new hangar, i would have to buy lasers and generators and extras again? To put on that new hangar?
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You don't have to buy them again, you just cannot put the same laser or generator on 2 ships a the same time.
  5. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    To be able to put on the new hanger, yes. You have to buy them again.
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Or you don't buy them again, save yourself uridium and take them of your ship /drones / P.E.T and just move them from one hanger to another like everyone else does ...
    No point encouraging him to waste uridium when he doesn't have to.
  7. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    That works only if he wants to not be able to use one of the ships. If he wants to use BOTH ships, then he has to.

    If he wants to use it to ship warp up to maps, then no, he doesn't need to re-buy them.
  8. you do not have to rebuy if you wanna have 2 ship you just have to take time to reconfig the 2nd ship by taking all equipment off the 1st ship but if you plan on using both ships without reconfigging them then you must get all the equipment again
  9. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    Alright i understand how that works then. You can have your equipment set for one hangar. And if u want to use another hangar, u will not have your equipment unless u move everything. I might have second thoughts on getting a hangar now but thank you guys
  10. Hello Zyher-SuB

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  11. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

  12. Closing as requested. Thank you for the all the input.
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