About Pet Laser and Shield

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by KruelSiege, Nov 5, 2023.

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  1. KruelSiege

    KruelSiege User


    I want to take advantage of the ongoing Chromin event to complete my deficiencies. I have a few questions about the Pet Laser and Shield.

    In the inventory section, a value of 11450 is given for the B03 shield, and a value of 11900 is given for the Pet shield. It's clear from this table that the Pet shield is better, but I have a question in mind. In a message on the forum, a table like this was shared:


    P.E.T SG3N-P011612.019119
    P.E.T SG3N-P011712.138119
    P.E.T SG3N-P011812.257119
    P.E.T SG3N-P011912.376119
    P.E.T SG3N-P012012.495119

    According to this table, a B03 shield upgraded to level 20 is better than a P01 shield also upgraded to level 20.

    Assuming we will upgrade both shields to level 20, which shield is better for the pet? B03 or the pet's own shield? The table above confused me.

    My other question is:

    2) Is the pet's own laser (excluding BL maps) stronger than all other lasers?

    I want to buy as many shields and lasers as I can while the event is active. So, the information you provide is very important to me. Please let experienced players or moderators answer. Thank you in advance.
  2. For pet lasers LF-P01 is better than prometheus in all situations except in blacklight maps.
    Total damage for pet lasers in 5 shots is 1400 ( 280+280+280+280+280)
    total damage for prometheus in 5 shots is 1250 (210+210+210+210+410)
    This is with 1 laser not upgraded and without any boosts

    I tried with 1 shield on pet and:
    PET shield gives 14042 shield
    Bo3 gives 13511 shield
    both shield were lvl1 and pet heat was at lvl3
    Both shields have +19% shield bonus when they are at level20 so bo3 can't give higher amount than PET shield does

    So in conclusion Pet shield and lasers are better to have than bo3 or prometheus in pet.
    Also keep in mind that SG3N-PX01 shield and LF-PX01 are better than those mentioned earlier but they are mostly only in payment and rarely as galaxy gate extra rewards so I wouldnt upgrade LF-P01 or SG3N-P01 either to level 20, instead only to 16
    aso_pika and Seraphim like this.