Account Issues

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ☀Ŧ£ĄŘ☢_☣؃☿_۞ĐĔĄĐ☯, Jan 12, 2014.

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  1. Now as of lately i completed a Zeta gate and when i got out i got a glitch on Hanger page now since then i cannot get back into game and that was like about 2 to 3 days back when the game page finish loading it freezes at "establishing connection"

    Username: ☀Ŧ£ĄŘ☢_☣؃☿_۞ĐĔĄĐ

    ID: 87572166

    Server: Global Europe 1
  2. burkey

    burkey User

    Cleared you Flash Player cache and browser cache?
  3. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    It would seem that there are server issues currently, which could be preventing you from logging onto the game page.
    I would try the following to see if it helped,
    1. Run CCleaner (free ware that help clean up your pc ) / clear cache and flash cache ( then reset flash settings to unlimited, to do this left click on the start page and select " settings... ")
    2. Check task manager to see if you have any memory hungry programs running. (if so turn them off while loading the game page.)
    3. Try a few browsers to see if any help with the game page load. ( I would use SRWare Iron when DO is slow, but browsers can work better or worse on different pc systems so try a few to see which is best for you.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you very much for assisting this player with their question,

    I would ask if this is still an issue for the Original Poster?

    Please let us know if this has been resolved.
    Have a lovely day!

  5. Ok Pacman thank you for your respond my friend but i usually do all what your saying and few more and about browser the problem is occurring in Iron which i use mainly firefox and chrome and about Task manger i usually don`t have much running when i play and i also check for hidden applications too but all that and game still not open
  6. oh sorry yes i did burkey and Astraea yes it is still an issue
  7. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Hi ☀Ŧ£ĄŘ☢_☣؃☿_۞ĐĔĄĐ☯, I'm only clutch at straw because I've been where you are and we know it is a server issue so its about how to get past it.

    Currently to get chat on my main server I have ( after running ccleaner ) to minimise my browser so I can just see the start tab and just see the game page start button.
    Then when I get logged into the game page I have to drag the chat window to the smallest size then relog just to get chat.

    But I can do the same on US East while still being logged in 2 GB1 lag free.

    All I can suggest is totally minimise your ram usage as you go through the log in process.
  8. If it gets stuck on establishing connection it is clearly not a RAM usage issues. My only suggestion that you can do on your end to attempt to fix this issue is to clear your cache. If you can log into your account on another browser then this is your issue, however if you can't in another browser then the issue is on DarkOrbits end and you will need to contact support
    .RΞSЇSŦΞNCΞ. likes this.
  9. "-»DостогUηζεαsнεd«-, i did that already and Pac man and i will try see what i can do man
  10. Hello ☀Ŧ£ĄŘ☢_☣؃☿_۞ĐĔĄĐ☯,

    I am sorry your having this issue. As several methods to correct your issue have failed...I am going to request a trace route from you for further investigation into your issue. Please do "Not" post your trace route in the forum. Once you have completed the trace route you will need to email it to support along with the link to this thread as a reference for support.
    Creating and Copying a trace route can be found at the following link:
    "Trace Route - How to do this"

    Closed ~ Referred to support & with trace route.

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