Accusations of Auto Locks

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by APOLLO[SKE★], Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. I disagree there seraph as I believe it is BP/DO's responsibility to enforce their own rules T&C's etc and if their scripts are as efficient at detecting cheats as we are led to believe there would not be this problem if they act on this issue in a timely fashion.

    Many of us haven't forgot how long it was before bots were banned last time around an how long we had to watch them all getting all their kit/uri for free while the rest of that had a shred of self respect had to put up with it. Add to that the players that were banned are still around and as strong as ever while the rest of us have to grind or pay for the same level of kit is just an insult to honest players like myself.
    whoeva and Seraphim like this.