Achievement System FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 16, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Achievement System FAQ


    Under the Pilot Bio tab you will find a new tab called "Achievements"

    Q: What is an Achievement?
    A: Achievements are goals that you can reach through various tasks. And will get some sort of reward for that.

    pilot bio 1.jpg

    Q: How can I see how many Achievement points I have gathered or what Achievements I finished?
    A: You can check your Achievements in your Pilot Sheet in the Overview – As shown below: The completed tasks will appear in the window on the right.

    pilot bio 2.png

    My Achievements -
    These are the Achievements that you have completed while interacting within the game.
    (as shown below)

    pilot bio 3.png

    Some achievement when completed will offer Special Titles as a Reward. This does not come with all complete achievements. These Title can be seen similar to the image below.

    pilot bio 4.png

    How to I put a title on?
    To put a title on you pick the title you want to go on to your ship and place a check mark in the little box to the left of the particular title. Then go down to the bottom and click Save. This should add this title to your ship for the community to view.

    As seen Below. if you click on the Overal Achievements,Ability Achievements , Activity Achievements or the Links under Social Achievements, you will find that tasks that yet to be completed. (image shown below of one section)

    pilot bio 5.png

    Area that are showing progression bars, are thone ones currently running and have yet to be completed.

    You also have Events - Which show past event and achievement that you have completed during that event.


    Q: Reward? What reward?
    A: For accomplishing the given conditions of the achievement you will receive
    - the corresponding achievement of course
    - the achievement points attached to it.

    Q: What are Achievement points?
    A: For every unlocked Achievement you will receive the corresponding number of points. Those points will then get added to your overall Achievements point, so you can share them and brag about them to your friends.

    Q: Who can get Achievements?
    A: You and your PET can both fulfill achievements.

    Q: So I can get a PET Achievement without a PET?
    A: No, for a PET Achievement you still need a PET. It only works the other way around – a PET can do an Achievement for you, but you can’t do it for your PET.

    Q: So, enough theory - are there PVP Achievements?
    A: Of course there are: destruction's count on all maps; only hostile/enemy ships count for the achievements; ships of the own faction do not count; players in the players group or from the same clan do not count as well

    Q: So, I shoot 5 ships and that’s it?
    A: No, Achievements can exist in different levels. But an achievement that builds up on an already completed achievement will not be shown until the prior task is completed.
    e.g. Kill 5 Streuner / Kill 50 Streuner – the Kill 5 Streuner achievement will be replaced through the kill 50 Streuner achievement as the next level of it. And it will award you more Achievement points!

    Thank you to Energy67 for assistance with this post.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
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