Add eternal fragments to other BL NPCs loot

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Yoriichi, Jun 26, 2024.

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  1. Yoriichi

    Yoriichi User

    Since it's practically impossible to extract fragments to open the Eternal Gate through Invokes with bots or with behemoth due to the... you know, why don't you add eternal fragments to other NPCs in BL? Obviously, much fewer. For example, from 5 to 12 per impulse (10 times less than with an invoke).

    This way, even if you don't solve the issue of those who farm invokes 24/7 without giving you a chance to grab their boxes (and the same with behe), you do offer a solution for those who want CPUs of the eternal and can't get them unless an impulse spawns right in their face, and even then it's hard.