Added Protection for new players..

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BĄĐÑΣPŦUÑΣ, Sep 1, 2014.

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  1. This is my idea for adding protection for new players level 10 and under.
    You could also make it count against players level 18 or higher to shoot new players under level 10 on X-1 - X-3 maps, but they would have to be notified or given the warning when they lock onto the player and attempt to fire their lasers.
  2. Fir x-1 being off limit. I say no since you pretty much have to shoot your enemy in order to be fired upon anyways.

    x-3/x-4 threat level is not a bad idea.

    x-2 mini base is not a bad idea either.
  3. itsthisguy

    itsthisguy User

    One problem with this idea. Nobody and the game anymore. When was the last time you saw an enemy go to your x-1 or x-2 maps? There's not even the players from that company to be on it. Gb1 perspective.

    What's left to say is....

  4. I see enemy players go to lower maps for easy kills all the time.
  5. you are condomed in x-1 and x-2 after that YOU are going 2 be a [removed]! You will OWN aftyer that...aka upper maps :cool:
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 3, 2014
    ΩÇΘWBΘ¥Ω™ likes this.
  6. Here is my take, remove that x1 stuff, simply because you are forgetting that there are quests that require a player to be on an enemies x1 map for a period of time. The threat indicator is cool with me for x3, not many players will be able to outrun me anyway lol. Plus it will make it challenging in a way.
    Tarron and BĄĐÑΣPŦUÑΣ like this.
  7. I already know about the quests for home base maps, you simply remove them. No need for enemies of different company to be at your company base in the first place.
  8. Eh, still, a player cannot be attacked in x1 unless they attack you first, so removing that doesnt do much. I think its ok to fly into x1 and remember some of the rewards contains whites and uri that players who are not skilled or strong enough or have gates can attain.
  9. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    I think only beginners would fire upon an enemy in it's company maps.
  10. jackknife

    jackknife User

    only real noobs that would shoot a much stronger ship and they deal as much damage as a struamer(sp) ignore them as i ignore straumers (sp) while in x2 when boxing there they can't hurt me a leo or vengi would take one look and go on there way, anything else..... up to u but they probably would run out of ammo before doing u any speak-able damage
  11. all you new players have got it easy from when us higher ranking players started on this game why cry about protection you already have protection!!!!!! if your at a low lvl higher ranking players cannot shoot you at all unless you shoot them 1st depending on lvl that is we had enemies in x1 maps when i 1st started that cud kill you in the map you have alot more to gain in auction aswell we had nothing we started as new players and built up from there so stop your CRYING :( and get on with the game killing and getting killed is what this game is all about,yes i agree it is harder now than what it was but its still hard :mad: for me and im lvl 22 RANT OVER o_O
  12. I started in 2009 now and they DONT have it easier. Back then you had pretty much very good chanes of getting away in most fights, so thats it was mostly allowed to hunt in x-1 maps. Now its react in 3 seconds or death. And most noobs even if they can react in that time just because UFE hits so hard. Not a matter of protection they want ways to have time to get to other level sadly there is non
  13. Nobody is safe :)
  14. How do they not have it easier if u look bk from when u started my friend did we have all the items u can get now in shop NO we didn't im not picking on anyone but all im saying is it was harder for us back then i just got on with the game and fought my way through everything we had no protection in 3-1 like they have now you can sit all day in 3-1 and not get shot lol,yes i know theres quests to do but there was quests back then aswell we just had to get on with it i've seen people on here asking for LF4 in bidding there was nothing like that when we 1st played no rsb no lf4 no seprom no hangers/pilot sheet/bio/points there was only 4 gates for gods sake alpha beta gamma delta thats it hahaha if you really want to get on in the game as in today the only way to do it is to spend money to get stronger and hit harder not everyone can afford it but its the only way to get to be where u wnt to be is it not ? i also started in 2009 i'll say one more thing back then everybody was equal apart from boters and scripts which unfortunately is still happening,now there is more cheaters on this game than there is in a JUNGLE lol
  15. Oh my gawd It was easier back then, BKs and other NPCS are stronger now because of shield Mechanics that they gave to most mother ship npcs, All those items your talking about in shop, how the hell does that help a noob when FE and more than FE players can barely afford them. Pilot bio and extra hangars, pfft it cost Massive amouns of uri for pilot bio. Your mentioning some of they most costly things in game and saying they help noob (new players who just started). Yeah they dont they cant span that GAP between players
    -AdamantiumDragon- and Tarron like this.
  16. im all for the added threat detection but no need for more demil zones in x-2 and x-1 being off limits is useless you cant be shot unless your stupid enough to attack someone with the lvl to get to your x-1 map. I think it would be a good idea to increase the threat detection to x-1 to x-4 until lvl10 and bracket the threat as on x-1
  17. that way it gives noobs a hard to miss notification that the enemy there and a chance to run.
    BĄĐÑΣPŦUÑΣ likes this.
  18. No, noobs get protection first off until they finish the company starter missions. With those up, they can easily see the threats that await them in those maps, sad for the stupid ones to be honest, can't comprehend a damn thing about it. Anyways, DO considers the x-3 and up maps pvp so sucks for them if they die. It's a pvp game get over dying.

    And seriously? Make it count against them for playing the game the way they're suppose to? PVP?! God damn you noobs need some education.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014
  19. why dont we just give noobs 45 LF4's, 10 hercs, 10 havocks, an apis and a zeus while we're at it.
  20. There is more to dark orbit than just pvp. There are shooting aliens, galaxy gates and group gates. There are also the many events that go on during the week and other events that go with holidays or specials. My point is that this game is NOT just pvp.
    Tarron likes this.
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