Adding Bigpoint Portal

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 20, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Adding a Bigpoint Portal

    To add a game to your Bigpoint Portal please do the following :

    Sign into

    scroll down the page till you see add game

    BP 1.jpg

    when the new area pops up it will ask you to Enter the game's name that you'd like to add to your Bigpoint account:

    BP 2.jpg

    you will then type the name of the game in the box provided after you click next a new box will pop up asking for your log in information

    BP 3.jpg

    after you put your log in information click add game in the bottom

    BP 4.jpg

    The game will be added to your account you can find it by looking in your last played section like shown in the picture below

    BP 5.jpg

    We hope that this helps you to adding a bigpoint portal to your gaming experience.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
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