Adition to pirate event dmg/point, dmg/ur and dmg/green and yellow resource

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by »ØPŦ‡MU§_K‡ŁŁ_§[23]«, Sep 6, 2017.

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  1. [​IMG]
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2017
  2. What is it?
  3. batata

    batata User

    gr8 info, nice work :cool:
  4. Example for get 1 event point from interceptor you must do 100.000 damage, in same time you will recive 1 uridium for 5.000 dmg you make on interceptor.

    Overall you pick will you get 1st place on event or you will make a set of new lf4.
  5. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

  6. bisphenol

    bisphenol User

    A noobish question: where are those uber pirate NPCs located? On pirate maps only during event or specific map(s) where they are permanent addition to the game?

    BTW: nice chart, great work.
  7. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Yup they have been a permanent addition to the game since the last Pirate Hunt event, as to where they are etc this Uber Pirate NPC FAQ says that(though generally on pirate maps and also 4-5).

    *And guess just for future reference if find have a similar question: Help>Game FAQs>FAQ is where can find FAQs about stuff like this, also FAQ Index is a good place to look. (though who knows if during the Pirate Raid event uber pirates will spawn in exact same maps as stated in that FAQ)
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2017
  8. bisphenol

    bisphenol User

    Thanks a lot. I was looking at Pirate Maps FAQ and couldn't find anything so expected the Uber Pirates will appear with the new event. I've missed the Pirate Hunt event and the pirate maps are pretty deadly on my server (GE 1), unless going in a strong group or having good clan diplomacy. IOW, I wasn't there for a long time.
    I've seen Pirate Raid event FAQ and this post so started wandering; didn't even know Uber Pirates are already permanently added to the game...
    Thanks again for pointing out the relevant topics! :)