ALLOCATE a Ship Tutorial

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 16, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    How to ALLOCATE a Ship to Hanger 1
    Buy a Second Hanger and ALLOCATE

    Below are the Basic Steps To ALLOCATE a Ship in Hanger 1

    1. Current ship will be spinning
    2. New ship to allocate will be in one of the boxes Below
    3. Click ALLOCATE and New Ship Will replace Old ship.
    *** Warning Old ship will be SOLD.

    I you want to keep both ships a Second Hanger is an option.
    1. The + symbol Next to Hanger one - click
    2. Shop page opens for Hanger Purchase.
    3. Once you have new Hanger, it will be inactive until you install a ship.
    4.Open Hanger 2 and Allocate ship.

    Below a step by step Tutorial on How to Allocate.

    Allocate A.gif

    Thank you, and enjoy your game.

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
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