Alpha Gate for Dummies (Reborn)

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by Tina-The-Impaler, Mar 27, 2018.

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  1. This thread is to help newer player complete the A,B, and Y Gates. It is not intended to veteran players. Please note that this thread uses the assumption that you are a Premium player. Some numbers may be skewed for Free Players.
    Most new players do not have PETS and Kamikaze protocols. So they are not discussed at this time. I will however, add it at a later date.

    IF you have any questions please feel free to ask me here >>>TIna-The-Impaler<<<

    This is the most common mistake. Know what your ammo can do with the guns and booster you have on your ship. Turn your rockets off on the first three waves. Waste not want not.
    Most FE Golis will tell you go with a Power Config and a Speed Config. Sounds great unless you not FE or not a Goli!!!. This is where the chart above comes in handy. Look at the HP Shield Strengths of the NPC’s for the upcoming wave. Strueners have 800 HP and 400 shield. You have to be able inflict 1,200 total damage points as quickly as possible. Most players can do that with one shot. So turner those rocket launchers off if you have them.
    The first few waves the average player can get through relatively easy without to much moving around after wave 3 you will need to look at your shield strength and speed. You don’t want to be too fast or too slow. Or have enough shield power to survive a constant onslaught of laser attacks.
    Don’t forget to set your shield up with some sep or Prom. Prom will give you 20% more speed. Sep will give you 40% Shield Strength. For Fire power Sep will give you a 30% boost and Sep 60%. So load up.
    Sounds funny but take a break between the waves. Especially the one that take awhile. Don’t get in the habit of jumping from one wave to the next. That leads to disaster. You can run out of ammo or sep and prom. You can even go in with the wrong configuration. So take a break.


    Before doing any gate make sure you load up on Prom or Seprom which ever you prefer. I usually send it the night before as I send 4000 at a time and may take a while. If you want to do an instant send it will cost you 875 Uri, with Premium and Rebate.
    When spinning you have 4 options:
    Single Spin most economical, but takes the longest time.
    5 Spins at a time*
    10 Spins at a time*
    100 Spins at a time --- Quickest way to build gates but wastes a lot of Uridium.
    *Most players use a combination of the 5 spin and 10 spin option in cooperation with the 1 Spin and 100 Spin options. If you are uri conscience always use the single spin option.

    If all you want to do is use just ''Free Spins'' I recommend not using them until you have 1000. Keep in mind that with every spin your chances of getting a gate part are 13%. That does not mean that for every 100 spins you get 13 parts. Each spin is a separate occurrence. There are 164 (34 for Alpha 48 for beta 82 for Gamma )parts total The more your gate is complete the harder it is to get it complete.For example lets say you spin and get your first gate part you have 0 parts out of 164 so you have a 100% chance of getting a part filled as you get more parts your chances go down.

    Lets say you have 27 of 34 completed for Alpha (or 27/34).....34/48 beta and 40/82 for Gamma thats 101 of 164 parts. (Your are 62% complete) Sounds great, unless your relying only on free spins On your next spin you get a gate part that means your chances are 63 out of 164 to get a part.That equates to 38% chance of getting a part. If you already have the part it goes on your multiplier. You can activate your multiplier any time before it reaches 'X6' once it reaches 'X6' your next spin will automatically multiplied by 6. Each part is numbered so you have to get part 1 and part 2 and part 18 etc...not just an Alpha gate part. You do not have to get the parts in order.(what’s great is when your multiplier is at x6 and u spin a gate part...then it gives you what you need) So your chances of getting the exact part are now only 38% So as you continue to spin you Get 32/34 for Alpha 45/48 for beta and 67/82 for Gamma.That's a total of 147/164. Your doing great but it gets even harder. With 147 parts out of 164 you are 90% complete That means you have 10% chance of getting the part you need. In other words the more you progress the harder it gets So with every spin now you have a 13% chance of getting a gate part and once you get the part you now have a 10% chance of getting the part you need. (not including multipliers)It can get further complicated because you have 3 gates going. We cannot isolate a gate and just do one at a time. That would be too easy.
    I use uri for mine and sometimes it takes a lot of spins to get that last part.
    Can it be done with just free spins? 'Yes.'
    Is it easy 'NO.'
    It will take a lot of patience. That is why I say wait to you get to 1000. By waiting you can also use the ammo you get from the spins in the gate.If you have never done a gate make sure you do the Alpha Gate first. The beta gate is double strength and the Gamma is x3. Like I said before discounts and most ''New or Free '' Players don’t have rebates or are Premium. But Yes It is less if you are Premium or have Rebate. It’s a good idea to have the rebate if you spend a lot of Uri. It drops the cost of gate spins from 100 to 70 Uri.

    Last edited by moderator: Mar 27, 2018
  2. WAVES


    For the Beta gate HP and Shields Double (as the the EP value)
    For Gama Gate HP and Shields are X3 (as is the EP Value)
    **Special Note to Experienced Players, Difficulty level is reference for New Gate Players ONLY

    Wrong Ammo This is the most common mistake. Know what your ammo can do with the guns and booster you have on your ship. Turn your rockets off on the first three waves. Waste not want not.

    Wrong Configuration Most FE/UFE Golis will tell you go with a Power Config and a Speed Config. Sounds great unless you not FE or not a Goli!!!. This is where the chart above comes in handy. Look at the HP Shield Strengths of the NPC’s for the upcoming wave. Strueners have 800 HP and 400 shield. You have to be able inflict 1,200 total damage points as quickly as possible. Most players can do that with one shot. So turn those rocket launchers off if you have them.
    The first few waves the average player can get through relatively easy without to much moving around after wave 3 you will need to look at your shield strength and speed. You don’t want to be too fast or too slow. Or have enough shield power to survive a constant onslaught of laser attacks.

    Sep and Prom] Don’t forget to set your shield up with some sep or Prom. Prom will give you 20% more speed. Sep will give you 40% Shield Strength. For Fire power Sep will give you a 30% boost and Sep 60%. So load up.

    To help prevent lag, especially in the gates I recommend changing your settings on the game page window. Have them set to the lowest settings. As you play more and more you can experiment with what settings work best for you.

    1. Click ''Settings''
    2. Click ''Interface''
    3. Un-check( by clicking on line) all lines
    4. Check (by clicking on line) the following:
    A. "Show player names’’
    B. "Show Cargo Boxes''
    D. "Change Rocket Ammo Type Automatically'' (Optional)

    see picture below


    Click ‘’Save’’

    1. Click ''Settings''
    2. Click ''Display''
    Set everything to ‘’Good’’ or ‘’Low’’ (see pic below) You may even consider 2D version as well.


    The picture shows the settings I use and I never have any problems with lag in any of the gates.
    *Another tip to reduce lag in gates is to not do any gate during peak hours or when you know DO is performing maintenance. DO will always announce maintenance it performs in the ‘’Official Announcements.’’ or on Discord.

    This will help prevent lag.

    When you are finished with your gate reset your settings to your play style.

    You can also change the setting on your ADOBE FLASH PLAYER.

    1. On Game Window 'right click'. To pull up your ADOBE FLASH PLAYER settings.
    2. check ''enable hardware settings''
    3. click the file folder on bottom on the window pop up and slide the scale to ''unlimited''*

    This will also help prevent lag.

    There are a few threads out there advising this as well.

    * With unlimited storage make sure to clean your cache regularly. There are also threads available to explain how.

    Last edited: Mar 27, 2018
    Odin® likes this.
  3. AMMO

    A lot of players will tell you just to use basic rockets and x 1 ammo.However, you have to decide based on your ship and how much ammo you can hold.

    Here is chart showing what I recommend new players use.


    Let say you have a Vengi with the 150% Armory Expander. That means your armory can hold 20,000 rounds of Laser Ammo and 2000 rocket rounds.Sounds great except you get 20,000 x 4 ammo when you complete the A gate (40K and 60K for the remaining gates)What this means is you cant buy any more ammo until you get below 20,000 rounds of x 4. That’s why I suggest using the higher levels of ammo on the different waves. Use that x3 and Sab on all those BKs in the gate. That’s a lot better than using it on low level NPCs on the regular maps.Once you get skilled and completing gates you will see what works for you.* It is recommended not to rely on one (1) rocket type. Have multiple rocket designs for different situations. It can save you time, heartache and uri.
    Odin® likes this.

    I saw a posting where a player did not know which gate to use after finishing a wave. So I decided to show what happens when you finish a wave. (see pic below)
    After you have popped the last NPC in a wave to gates appear in the middle of your map.


    This pic is from the Gamma Gate but where they appear is the same regardless of the gate or wave.


    'Dragging' is a great strategy. Even the more experienced players use it.
    After grouping them (you can see some great vids of dragging on Youtube) drag them horizontally. and pick them off one by one. Use the speed chart above to set you battle config. Keep a good speed config in case you get in trouble.


    Its difficult to see, but my I have almost no damage in the above picture.

    If you are not custom to 'dragging' it is recommended you practice on the first few waves. The NPC's are weaker and you won’t suffer too much damage if you make mistakes.

    Odin® likes this.
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