Apocalypse Booty Box Refresh Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Feb 8, 2025.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the Apocalypse Booty Box Refresh. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    I did some tests with whatever designs I have, for anyone interested:
    1. Plain and simple test without any drone designs to get base damage values.

    2. Hailstorm (or Frost as they're called in announcements) are Rare designs in this iteration of Apocalypse boxes. A set of 10 gives 3% bonus damage to lasers.

    3. Blaze Phantom is a design from galaxy gates. There are other 'Blaze-' prefix drone designs in boxes, so I figured I'd test whether or not the buff applies to these.

    4. Red Robo-bat are old designs. Tested them for the sake of it since I had a set of 10.

    5. A collection of 'Rare' and 'Common' drone designs from an old iteration of Apocalypse boxes. Courtesy of the Polish forum as they keep old news nicely archived.

    6. A combination of 'Legend' and 'Rare' designs from the current iteration of Apocalypse boxes.

    7. Same as #6 but with added Spartans. The numbers shouldn't change as Spartans only buff laser damage from drones (and this test has no lasers on drones).

    8. Same as #6 but with added Cerberus. The numbers should increase as a set of Cerberus gives +10% overall PvE damage.

    In conclusion:
    Only designs in the current iteration of Apocalypse boxes are boosted. The boost works with lasers equipped on the ship (unlike Havocs/Spartans). They do stack when mixed with each other, and with normal drone designs. Easy set to get are Hailstorm (Frost) as they're usually a reward from weekday galaxy gates bonus rewards and they count as 'Rare' (+3% PvE laser damage) during this event.

    I wouldn't call the tests a waste of time. Stuff like this piques my interest, and support never have the answer.



    Could we get different rewards after getting a complete set of 10 drone designs. With ships we get 10k uri for duplicates.

    Could the drone designs equipment section in the hanger get a little cleanup. It's crazy navigating through hundreds of drones with 50+ different designs to find specific sets.
  3. try fixing the game before you ask for feedback, skylabs been broke for ages, and you are only interested in a box drop, pathetic.........
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