Assembly freezing game

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by PĂĽÀĐÌŅ, Nov 20, 2024.

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  1. Is there a time frame where DO fixes the assembly from freezing the game. I know this has been happening a lot but it is getting out of hand. 4 times in the space of one hour the game froze.
  2. this was happening like 4 years ago when i popped into the game after a while, and it still happens now, it will never get fixed. I doubt there is more than 1 person working on this game and even then its probably less than 10 hours a week.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  3. apul777

    apul777 User

    till now they dont fix the game,and still frozen like sh+++
  4. If anyone cannot log in go top to URL select a server and it will take you to your server. Worked for me!