Astral Ascension Content Expansion Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by SirThrills, Jun 22, 2022.

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  1. It was already made obvious that was the intention. But regardless, it needs changes.

    Rift Rewards:
    7900 Engine needs to be available more, speed is crucial you lack the damage and repair option to deal with all these ranged/fast NPCs.
    More Bo2 and Bo3 showings, I get a lot of the Credit and low tier shields even in end game.
    Allow Boosters/Sep but give NPC reward drops for kills, literally screwed me taking it all away, getting through the 70s/80s is impossible now.
    Drastically improve ammo rewards, you get nothing for it, lets be real, its GARBAGE.
    Weapons are in the best spot out of them all, but still needs improvement.
    Again, give rewards for NPC kills.
    The Ranked Rewards aren't enough, especially when you're not compensated for the failures of the devs.

    I'm not going to sit here and just bash from day 1 like certain players in these forums who don't know anything outside crying. But I will give an honest response and tell you where you failed and tell you where you need to be on something.
  2. Glad this event ended, but too bad the gate still remains. Now I have to see those booty boxes around the maps reminding me of this failure. I have no idea who in their right mind would want do this anymore. Really poorly planned and implemented event, this was like a really bad version of Highscore gate (btw reviving it instead of creating this monstrosity would have been much more enjoyable event)
  3. `Djurkz`

    `Djurkz` User

    I don`t care about this astral ascen expansion, too boring I was fall asleep while doing it...better for the newbie.. started 2011 and now doing of this kind stupid 5 cannons? no way! better ambush the capital1 or urge whatever instant URIDIUM...
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2022
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