At any level I can attack?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DEATHSCY, Dec 11, 2013.

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    Hello how are you my friends pilots ...
    I got to level 17 and have 633 million experience points and kept me out of so little to level 18 ... My problem is that so far I can not attack any other player!
    My extreme strength in the lower level of 5000 and when I attack the pirates are affected by this Cannon 5000 but when attacking other players (MMO) or (EIC) does not affect them only 500 and even novice players does not affect them never! Is it because my level 17 not out to 18?
    At any level that I can attack the full strength?
    Knowing that I have the honor of negative and I know how Mark of Honor positive but you honor negative affect on my strength?
  2. levels have nothing to do with the damage you are causing, levels only give you access to certain maps and quests.

    the problem with your low damage are pointed to negative honor, get your honor positive and you will be able to do normal damage again.
  3. Yes, it's badly affect your strength, how more -honor you have, you causing lower and lower dmg to players. It stops on 10% from full power


    Thank you, my friends, I appreciate you help me ..
    But I have a simple query .... If someone has a 15 canons and another has 15 also but they are different in honor points Will would automatically force has more honor points?


    I'm sorry I forgot something else ....
    I tried to honor the fittest points but when I have closed the game before the mission is complete restore points negative again, is there a way to save and follow-up later?
    Or that the entirety once and for all?
  6. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Negative Honour affect the amount of damage that you hit on ship, but not to npcs.

    If you have negative honour from collecting Blue cargo you can uncheck "show cargo that is not yours", in the in game setting.

    To help reduce you negative honour there is a quest call ""An offer you can't refuse".

    >here< is the FAQ relating to honour.


    thanks bro,:) but I tried to honor the fittest points but when I have closed the game before the mission is complete restore points negative again, is there a way to save and follow-up later?:rolleyes:
    Or that the entirety once and for all?:(
  8. Being an outlaw means your damage gets chopped to like 20% lol, take the honor quest and get it back up, it also makes you a free target to your company.

    All you do in game is suppose to stay, if it is resetting it is a technical issue, and should send to support to have looked at.

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you all for your assistance with this players issue.

    When doing the quest " An offer you cant Refuse" it should remain as an open quest unless you cancel the quest itself. When you log out you need to attempt using the log out button rather than just using the X to exit the game.

    As for the Honor, it does effect the damage that you do to players.

    Hopefully this will help to resolve the issue.
    Have a lovely day!


    Thank you guys for help me I really appreciate you so much:)
  11. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Do you have any further questions on this subject or can we close this now?



    I'm so sorry, but only one more question is the power of my cannon increase when I offer in honor points?
  13. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    If you have a negative amount of honor points your power against other players decreases. It increases again as you gain honor back. If you are not an outlaw your lasers are as strong as they can be.

    Positive honor will NOT increase your power, it will however increase the amount you can sell resources for at base.



    Well thank you very much:oops:, but I can not finish the quest I have tried many times to complete the quest, but when I change the map back to the negative points of honor!
    And also when I record back off the quest from the beginning start again! I have talked with the administration, but they said to me you should talk to the management server that I play it. I play in the Brazilian server how can I talking to management in the Brazilian server?:(
    (Can I convert my account and everything collected in the Brazilian server to any server England?):confused:


    Hello guys ...
    I have known the solution to my problem and this is thanks to the great God help me, then I appreciate your patience with me. Thank you very much.
    But I was wondering about one thing Look at the pictures down, please ...
    Here in the barn (I know they are to much!!):oops::oops::oops:
    Here outside the barn with an equal
    After the destruction of the first
    Become abroad -100.000.000
    But here in the barn
    If any one I have to follow???
  16. Did you refresh the back page (barn)? It does not automatically refresh. Click the refresh button and see if that will change it.


    OK thank you all my friends for help me,:)
    my friend -HarleyD- you can close now.

  18. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Happy to be of assistance. Closing as requested.

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