attacking level caps?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by vampirekiss, May 20, 2014.

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  1. ive been playing for about three or four days now, and im tired of getting killed by other users who are 20 lvls higher then me, there should be a level cap that states no player can attack another player who is a lower level then them, unless fired upon... its making me want to quit playing.. any one else agree?
    -Llewcoch- likes this.
  2. You're right, it may be quite annoying for newbies but.. Even those players who shoots you now were newbies a long time ago :) I don't agree with your idea
  3. Don't worry about it too much, besides if you play long enough you'll eventually pop them back:p
    Rex-Jocreiso likes this.
  4. I know how you feel but, once you're FE, they'll be hugging the port, once You're UFE, they'll faint. :p
  5. SauronL

    SauronL User

    really not agree , guys which are high level will hunt just NPCs in space :D cuz not many peoples playing DO :D
    and its PVP game not PVM :rolleyes:
  6. Full_force

    Full_force User

    Heres some fun info that you will completely ignore.

    A level 1 can have have the exact same equipment and therefor shields and damage has a level 20.

    While the LF-4s are harder to get then normal non chance lasers a low level can still have them.

    That being said that being a level attack cap is a horrible idea. On top of it being a PvP game.

    But that being said a equipment point attack system could work.
    Omega and SauronL like this.
  7. SauronL

    SauronL User

    With that , what can level 25 do (for example) he will come to maps and it will write him just "You cant attack him" , and he will still like to spend a LOT cash into game cuz he can waste them sitting on port
  8. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    I think is a bad idea bcuz if any rich player decides to make a new account he could spend Thousands of dollars to make the ship Uber Full Elite and still be level 1 just by collecting booty boxes, doing gg spins etc.. he can get ships, drones, full bio, LF4, drone designs from Blue and Red bootys..
    -AdamantiumDragon- and Omega like this.
  9. If this idea is implemented then this might be the end of Darkorbit. o_O:(
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  10. -Llewcoch-

    -Llewcoch- User

    I stand with this player, I know where hes coming from, and a degree of added protection for weaker players in this game is in my view a very reasonable suggestion.

    Introduce a handicap for super heavy weight pilots who use their 50 pilots points and full drone designs to pop super fly weight nostros. Whats the problem?

    The bias and unbalance in this game is preventing influx of fresh players.

    What would you rather have - empty maps? Or balanced gameplay?

    'This is a PvP game' - so is Boxing. And the biggest boxers are never put in the ring with the smallest. That's because it would be .... completely unfair !

    Oh, btw, I am level 20, and have been popped 728 times since i was an egg. Most of them were absurdly easy kills for bigger more powerful pilots, not many at all were as a result of a good, exciting, fair fight.

  11. Newbies have plenty of protection. First off, x-1 maps you can't be attacked in unless you shoot them.
    Second, you get company protection until you learn the game, which is easy with the tips it gives you.
    I see most noobs getting golis and a couple iris before protection is even lost, so you can't complain, and might i add, i come from a big server full of nasty players.
  12. Yup - the end is nigh.
  13. Lol darkorbit is already half dead :D, but i kinda agree but the slightly different changes. New players do not get "company" protection as i cant stop so one from shooting a new player on there own will. 2-1 wont help you with anything other than streuner kills and lower maps are stalked by UFE and FE players so. Might as well spend 100$ on mega happy hour that will help.
  14. -Llewcoch-

    -Llewcoch- User

    Sorry Dream I must take issue here
    The safe area of X-1 is a most minor concession. The majority of noob quests are in X-3 and X-4, that is, those which a level 12 or below pilot has the remotest chance of completing. The Game is much bigger than this, and it is especially in these maps where we see the more powerful ships punch well below their weight.
    having iris and a goli counts for nothing these days, the pilots in the top echelon pop em like streuners lol - a fact of which you must be aware.
    No - there has to be an inbuilt mechanism whereby these weaker ships can offer a powerful opponent some significant challenge, or at least have extra protection based around difference in hitting power.
    I have never liked the idea of playing with loaded dice. Obviously many other players are comfortable doing so.

    Its a question of levelling out combat in an imaginative fashion. It could be a creative step and one which adds rather than detracts from the game quality.

    Be honest - which do you prefer - the epic battle involving skill in deployment of weaponry and shielding, and dexterous maneuvering round the map, or the one shot pop ?

    Why is there so much opposition to the concept of fairness here? And then people saying the game is dying? What are they doing to prevent its dying exactly? Chasing new pilots off the maps? Keeping them confined to port or homebase? Endless hours repping and travelling back and forth which amounts to wasted time?

    I love this game and i am now in a position to handle myself in PvP, but I would also welcome more ships and pilots keen to get on, not off, the spacemaps.

    ps what is your server - the one with all the nasty pilots lol. How I wish I could log on there in my GB1 ship ;P

    btw - many thanks to vampirekiss for raising this topic - hang in there, work on your skylab, join a clan and make full use of auction to equip your ship with creds you earn through selling ore and npc kills and clan payouts. Don't give up yet - you just have to prime your ship before you stand a chance on the maps, (and this can take some time!) -get yourself a bunch of speed gens and conserve your elite ammo, I wish you vbest on the maps

    Hoping for some creative input here

    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  15. Nice explaination :) Yup they need protection:)
  16. It's a PvP game. they don't like it, don't play it. We need something to do in this game too when the players who botted just sit there in ports all day playing with themselves too scared to fight.

    EIC on GA1 for example. Many VRU as well just run to bases don't do a thing, we need things to kill. Grow up, find a new game, stop crying.
    [=The-Juggernaut=] likes this.
  17. I actually agree with you too, now I'm stuck :p
  18. Comparing to the old school DO player new school have got the best possible protection. Only new players brings such idea.
    I remember those days when most of the player had trouble of going X-1 base towards X-1/X-2 Portal and always getting destroyed by enemy half way.
  19. Haha, I remember those days, those memories, when I was a phoenix struggling to get my first iris:) I only dared to go about 2 screen away from port until I realised enemies don't kill phoenixes so I went on for a bigger challenge:)
    -Llewcoch- likes this.
  20. -Llewcoch-

    -Llewcoch- User

    I have played since 2010. Lots of players have been playing longer, but I am by no means a 'new player'. Oh and btw - remember the old client? You know - back before the LF4, before upgrades, before UFE .... remember how crowded the maps were with new players? The game has changed and now is top heavy with big hitters. And yet game mechanics still favor the even stronger ships. Whats that about?