attacking level caps?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by vampirekiss, May 20, 2014.

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  1. -Llewcoch-

    -Llewcoch- User

    Again dream sorry I must reply to this.
    'grow up, find a new game, stop crying' - really? That attitude is going to attract and retain new players lol - not!! (apart from from being mildly insulting - infantilize and patronize and finally exclude those who only want a fair fight with you ??? rofl)
    ditto 'they dont like it don't play it'.

    'It's a PvP game' lol. Yup. So you never farm? You never quest? You never bash gates? Or collect ore? Obviously not. Don't really know how you got your ship fit to fight ;P
    It patently is not simply a PvP game, but something more. I have been gaming since I was 13, before the advent of internet gaming, before the advent of computer gaming per se lol, rpging and wargaming, boardgaming, calculating combat probabilities using dice - I have been GM on numerous occasions and had to set games up from scratch more times than I could count. I know a thing or two about games, gamers, and unbalanced gameplay.

    Why so hostile to such a reasonable suggestion?
    ps - I am in my 40s, am all growed up and still favour the underdog everytime ;P
    oviarema likes this.
  2. Of course i farm, but i farm boxes, used to farm pally. I bash gates for ammo, i hunt when i feel like it and the lag isn't bad, which the servers are garbage right now. I rarely do quests, only when im bored, usually prefer PvP missions among all, more fun. And those who want a fair fight with me? All they are doing is crying, we had it worse back in the day, 10 ships in a group waiting to pop anyone who rolled up on them lol now people cry because a single ship is cruising around doing what this game was made for and yet they get more protection then they think.
    -Llewcoch- likes this.
  3. Be happy you don't have to pay 500 uri to rep every time...
    Seraphim and -Llewcoch- like this.
  4. Once, you leave the womb! Get ready to bOOm! Their is NO vaccine in DO.
  5. -Llewcoch-

    -Llewcoch- User

    Well - I relate to the sentiments expressed above, and yellowsub - LOL

    So I guess the consensus reply to vampirekiss is - close the door on your way out.

    That's a shame y'know cos DO is a class game, but why should pilots like vampirekiss hang around for months trying to build a competitive profile while they are effectively locked out from where all the fun is happening, instead of taking their custom elsewhere?
    We should really think about the consequences of holding such exclusive attitudes, as doing so may seriously empty our maps and impair the overall game experience.
    It may be we are actually talking about self preservation - those changes we must put into effect in order to ensure the continuation of the game itself.

    One more question ( if I may presume to ask one on your behalf vampirekiss ? )
    I would ask those strongly opposed to balancing out combat against significantly weaker pilots - don't you enjoy a challenge? For me that is part of the fun... I would have absolutely no problem with giving much weaker opponents an ace card they could pull out in combat, in fact I would welcome it as adding an exciting new dimension to such combat.

    I hope you decide to stay as part of the DarkOrbit community, there is a huge amount of fun to be had on these spacemaps, and I hope you persevere and set an example for your fellow pilots, I wish you every success.

  6. I love a challenge.

    ^^^This was one of the best fights i had in a long time (couple months old) but it was a challenge, he was boosted and has more then me, but it was one hell of a good couple of fights.

    I fly around, and most of the time leave noobs alone, if i see a boss sib and a noob lib, i tell them to shoot it and i'll kill it for them, happens all the time.

    But when i have NOTHING to kill, because no one is on, or because those who should give me a challenge won't fight, i usually tend to kill them. It's how it works.
    -Llewcoch- likes this.
  7. -Llewcoch-

    -Llewcoch- User

    DreamDemon, looks epic, and fairplay on a righteous kill ;P
    Nice screenshots there, the lightning looks beast. I love a good scrap in the vengy its wicked fun :) And, as you know, often a real challenge.

    re your helping out the noobs, i doff my cap to that.

    Interesting to hear your views on this subject, with which I (respectfully) disagree.

  8. He popped me the 2nd time, i literally got lucky in that fight the first part just happened to be good timing. He's still a better fighter compared to me, do look forward to another 1v1 with him when im more up to par.
    -Llewcoch- likes this.
  9. Well at least it is half way now a days noobs dont even go that far off port but they have a good reason lol. As far as protection goes, no they do not really have a higher rate. X-1 maps as far as getting FE goes are useless even if you cant be attacked. UFE players an still come in to the 2-2 maps and hunt there and esle were in lowers were noobs are easier to find.
    -Llewcoch- likes this.
  10. Except there's a warning level in the x-2 maps.
    oviarema likes this.
  11. What you consider fairness is more like crying or asking for it easy. How many players do you think will be upset in the game who are now FE or UFE or just a player who has played for awhile? All of the sudden, if you are new, you get this added help? NO WAY! I appreciate the concept of trying to balance this out, but in the manner of how you want it, its not correct. Perhaps, allowing a player who is low level like you say to have an instashield protection until they reach a certain level, it can be used like any special item in which once its used, it has to cool down.
    oviarema and -Llewcoch- like this.
  12. Cloaked up went out on a little stroll thru the maps this weekend not so much as hunting but observing some of the newer players. Have to say some of these newb battles are epic, using x1 & sab, battles are lasting a pretty good while. Quite naturally some got cut short. UFE shows up:eek: inta-pops both of them. So I'm in agreement with GHOST maybe it can be reworked somehow.
    whoeva and -Llewcoch- like this.
  13. -Llewcoch-

    -Llewcoch- User

    Only a suggestion Ghost, in order to invite better ones , The insta is a great idea. but would obviously need a few tweaks so as not to offer significant protection to bots for example.

    Now - to your point about new players getting added help.
    The game has changed. Existing players have been continuously offered greater and greater advantages in the form of uber elite equipment. That is an indisputable fact.
    Answer me this - has there been any advantages offered new players commensurate with these vastly increased shd and dmg figures??
    The answer, this time, is an unequivocal no.

    In effect then, the majority of "crying" over this point has not in fact come from the newbies, who are actually asking a question arising from the obvious imbalance between ufe and newb, the biggest crybabies are ( and always have been ) those established FE / UFE players who see such protection as an impediment to their throwing their weight around on the maps. One only has to appraise some of the petulant comments made to realise who the big girls blouses are lol.

    oviarema likes this.
  14. True, but this is not a truly easy situation to solve. Like you said in an earlier post you normally pop them when there is nothing else to find I also do the same. If there was a way to increase server populations I think would be easier to solve this issue
  15. You do have a point, but this game is designed to make money for the company. So they figure that players will like the game enough, that they will spend on it. I am not crying, I dont complain about the protection, but I do think that is unfair for the millions of players who were not afforded that benefit, those players who had to deal with the school of hard knocks in DO. I can appreciate your subtle intelligent insult at the end. But then tell me, how do you give newbies more protection without making it unfair to those players that were never given those benefits. Also, what would be better? Do you think that instead of giving a player as soon as they start a mp1 or 3, change it to an lf2 and then an lf3? Should players be given additions gens in order to survive a bit longer? What are some of your other suggestions?
  16. -Llewcoch-

    -Llewcoch- User

    No insult intended lol, again just siding with the underdogs (yes they hold a special place in my heart, ever since i was an egg myself ;P)

    As Biohazard observantly pointed out, server populations need to increase.
    The question here is why are they on the decline? And this question i strongly feel is in part answered by the OPs initial query.

    So I think that these two trends are inextricably linked : lack of opportunity for newcomers to progress and enjoy PvP sport on the maps, and paucity of active players.

    As noted earlier in the thread, lower level pilots really enjoy the PvP element of the game, but often are denied that enjoyment through being thrown into the champions arena with a wooden sword.

    No i do not think any amount of shields or lasers would make an appreciable difference, when matched against UFE (or semi UFE eg possession of full upgrades and some LF4s, expensive cloaking chips and emps etc).

    On the speed side - that might be an option, along with a context dependent insta shield (ie one made available if combat is initiated between ships with a large but measurable dmg ratio), perhaps a speed bonus on lower maps?

    Perhaps the maps really need a sharp delineation along dmg capabilies.

    for example, maps X1,2,3,4 have dmg handicaps for higher level players

    or when a low level player enters eg , x5,6,7,8, they are offered a dmg bonus?

    I just know something could be thought of to restore balance and maintain or increase profits.

  17. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Might consider playing on GA1 [though i'll be a complete noob if i start there :( ]
    gb1 is almost dead in my opinion.

    But anyway back to the main topic; a level cap? Are you kidding me.
    So every player who started before 2014 as a noob and had to suffer at the hands of Ufes and old Fes will now be told; 'hey, you're a pretty high level now. So you're not allowed to pop any newbies'...

    I ask you OP, were you playing back in 2008 when we had to spend 500 uridium to repair our ship EVERYTIME. No login bonuses. So you get a goliath, you die a couple of times. you have 499 uridium. You cant repair your ship. 2 options: 1) buy uridium or premium. 2) purchase a credit ship and lose that goliath which took forever to save for.

    If you weren't playing back then, you won't understand much of what i'm saying or where i'm coming from.
    To put it simply, THEY had the right to pop noobs back in the day, so why are we (the old noobs) being stripped of that right..?
  18. Well to answer your question of why we are being striped of that right. We have barely any noobs to pop now because they quite the game because they have a hard time getting stronger. People say join a clan well on East 1 us, there are barely any new clans and all the olds ones? you ave to already be FE to join. thats why game was less diffifult in 2008 compared to now
    -Llewcoch- likes this.
  19. JASS

    JASS User

    Totally agree.I play In US-East1 and it is very difficult to get new players to stay since they are bullied and harassed to the point they just quit. MMO and VRU clans spend a lot of time just shooting weaker pilots because I guess I makes them feel superior. Game needs some sort of off limits for new players or else we will have the same people playing with no new blood and that will lead to the end of DO. You can't expect people to be able to match dollar for dollar just to play a space game. It's just insane. The bullies and cheats also have to be run out of the game for every ones benefit since they seem to be the trouble makers who like to prey on the weak then brag in chat about how powerful and skilled they are killing a lvl 8 player with the their UFE ship lol.. It's just nuts. New players= more enjoyment for everyone.
    -Llewcoch- likes this.
  20. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Why not just dis allow pilots above 16th level from any lower maps???
    It will still be a pvp game without the kill ratio padding pansies attacking the lowers or it will make the ww's pay for more accounts.
    That is a win - win for everyone.
    -Llewcoch- likes this.