Auction didnt refund when i didn't win

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by chill0kill, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. chill0kill

    chill0kill User

    13:00 finish time auction yesterday, bid 7.5M credits on B02, didn't win, and didn't get credits back :( very sad. whats going on?
  2. chill0kill

    chill0kill User

    also missing 2x 1time cloaks that i previously won in auctions
  3. I heard some people have the same problem with some auctions that were yesterday. You can probably just contact the support and they will guide you what to do after that.
  4. chill0kill

    chill0kill User

    found the support page finally, yeah done that, thanks
  5. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello chill0kill

    Thankyou for your assistance

    Closing, as this rests with Support.


    Contact Support
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