Auction problems

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Ittim, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. Ittim

    Ittim User

    Every time i try to bid it says i must pay 10k higher then my last bid even though it is my first bid. Btw i am bidding on a goliath and i am bidding around 2 million credits each time any suggestions?
  2. have u bid on anything else in the auction? You have to bid 10k higher then you bid on that item.
  3. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    This information is incorrect.

    Try it, bid say 100k on an item, then bid 100k or less on another (but at least 10k). I have just tried it and I did not get the message.

    My only thought ( unless there is a glitch ) is that you miss typed your last bid.
    so if you bid say 20mil on an item when you thought you bid 2mil, then when you try to bid less than 20mil and 10k you will receive that message.

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you for assisting this player with their question.

    Here are a few examples that might help to explain how the auction works.

    First Example:
    1st bid - 10,000 Will process
    2nd bid - 10,000 (will not process as you have that amount currently as a bid)
    2nd bid- 20,000 will process
    Total Bid is the highest amount bid of 20,000. This will then only deducting an additional 10,000 from your credits. Second Example: ( when using odd numbers to bid)

    1st bid - 10,351- Will process
    2nd bid - 10,000- (will not process as you have that amount currently as a bid)
    2nd bid- 20,000 - (will not process as it is not 10,001 above the original bid)
    2nd bid- 20,352 - Will process
    Also I would recommend The Auction FAQ.

    Hope this helps,
    Have a wonderful Holiday