"Authorization failed!" Chat

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Good.Will, Jul 3, 2014.

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  1. Good.Will

    Good.Will User

    A few days ago when I was in a party with you and Pesho^^, I was re-logging so then I re-logged, next thing my chat comes out the blue saying "Authorization failed!" I was shocked, it happened to me 1 year ago. I tried re-logging, nothing happened. A day later, I sent a ticket to support about my problem, they said uninstall my java, re install, so I did that, and next thing it's still acting up. I even cleared my cache about 3 times. So now it's still bugging, I don't know what to do.

  2. vsc99073

    vsc99073 User

    1. Check internet connection.
    2. Reload the page.
    3. Uninstall Java, verify you have the latest version and re-install.
    Other than that, IDK. Hope it helps.
  3. When I have this problem I just turn chat off in settings and then turn it back on. It worked every time.
  4. White_Pepper

    White_Pepper Guest


    For this issue you will need to contact support as they will need some information to be able to look into the problem.

    Closing as directed to support.

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