Auto Install FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 16, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Auto Install FAQ

    The new instant-equip feature as a quality of life improvement which will make it
    easier for users to see the results of their purchases and build a configuration by automatically adding
    bought items to the ship's equipment slots.

    The player can buy batches of items that are automatically put into an open equipment slots.​
    • Equipment is placed into free slots:
      • in the current selected configuration
      • and current selected ship, drone or PET
      • items are allocated to free slots in the following order:
      Ship > Drones 1st slot > Drones 2nd slot > P.E.T.
    • The two separate drone passes are to allow players to equip drones with a laser and shield generator each easily instead of fully loading half of their drones.
    When choosing to purchase an item the first dialog box you get will look like this: (As shown Below)

    Auto Install 1.png

    Once you have clicked OK, to purchase the item, a second dialog box should appear if you have Free slots on your Ship, drones or PET. (As shown below)

    Auto Install 2.png

    Instead of an "OK" button as shown in the above dialogue, we will display two buttons side by side: "Equip", "Inventory".

    If the player uses the small x close button, the inventory option is chosen.

    If the player purchases equipment while outside of the home base radius or if no free slots are available, it goes to the inventory.

    We will communicate this to the player by displaying the following text in the aforementioned dialogue: "Auto-equip not possible. Item(s) moved to inventory." (As shown below)

    Auto Install 3.png

    If the player has free slot(s) and chooses "Equip", but purchases more items than free slots available, for example: purchases 10 LF3 lasers but has only 8 free slots, what can be installed will be installed but the remaining items will be sent to the player's inventory.

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
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