
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by plinkplonk, Jan 27, 2014.

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  1. plinkplonk

    plinkplonk User

    i see this problem still exists thou not in as many quantitys as before but seeing some players stil want tol use it i cant understand why dark orbit dont bring in there own version and make it part of the game so we can all be equal by putting it in the pilot bio say then there would be no need to use an outside whatever at all
    in effect cutting off the supply to these script writters they are only doing it for the money if the bot scan as taken the botters out of the game now take out the autolockers by doing this once you have got the pardon the pun skill its yours
    so people wouldnt pay a yearly fee or something to the cheat makers just my two cents worth i know it wont be popular but i feel once something has been discovered it cant be undiscovered people will just write new scripts and stuff if theres is detected so best to remove the temptation from them and let us play on an equal footing
    VESPID likes this.
  2. burkey

    burkey User

    There's another thread open about this somewhere but hasn't been replied to from support etc...
  3. why not... and while we're at it might as well give everyone a boting program

    sorry, but just because a few people do it doesn't mean let everyone do it. They got rid of the bots (or as far as I can tell) they'll get rid of the auto-lockers... hopefully.

    VESPID User

    If D.O. did come out with similar versions of these bot abilities, they would be controlable regerding active time and cool downs.
    The demand for those programs may fade away.
  5. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Wow, so after all this time of people complaining about the botters, and we finally get some improvement, and now you want them back?

    VESPID User

    Not really, but since their return I say make in game versions of the programs they exploit since the absence of such abilities have gone unanswered by D.O. devs.
  7. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Absoltutly not. All the work that DO as done to get rid of the botters would have gone to waste. No thanks.

    VESPID User

    It has already gone to waste!!!!
    They are returning as we speak, I am not a fan of bots but fighting fire with fire really does work.
  9. Shifterai

    Shifterai User


    As this really isn't a Update or a Idea suggestion this thread will be getting closed. If you would like to post your concern about this issue, please post in Speakers Corner.

    Enjoy the game.
    Closing as not a Update/Idea.

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