[BACҞ] WeAreBack (AG1)

Discussion in 'Clans' started by OTMR, Aug 22, 2023.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. OTMR

    OTMR User

    ;)SERVER: America Global 1;)
    Clan Name: [BACҞ] WeAreBack

    Hello everyone, this is an invitation for any player from any company and any level to join our clan. At the moment we are only 8,
    the clan was created 3 weeks ago and we hope to create a great clan with many active people, people who play with the other members of the clan and help each other.
    We are two leaders, players since 2012 with a lot of experience in everything.
    We offer help, credits and tips for new players
    Unite and let's go to battle together both pvp and pve
    We wait for you!! we will accept as quickly as possible everyone who sends requests!:oops: