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Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SpaceMonkey*, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. so when is Do going to fix back page so we can do gates
  2. Has been said on chat already and admins said that they are working on it but im not sure if they said when they said it back up again
  3. Clack321

    Clack321 User

    Just chill... I bet it'll be done by today, the USER ranking isn't working as well btw :p
  4. Yep :( or the hangar etc so you cant equip things ship :(
  5. are we going to get a new KRONOS day
  6. Damm my drones are on 97% and i cant repair them because hangar equipment stuff doesn't work!!
  7. Whiteidiot

    Whiteidiot User

    mines too drones on 97% and im afraid to go collect pally bec im sure DO wont refund us for that..
  8. My pets out of fuel and im too damn lazy to pally myself and DO still hasn't fixed this crap.

    and spacemonkey, don't hijack threads noob. I don't how see how people randomly post something in a thread, that has absolutely nothing to do with the thread.
  9. There is currently no way to fix drones unless you have the CPU. If your drones are close to popping your best advise as of now is to stay in the safe zone. Darkorbit is working hard to fix the problems that are occurring. Have a great day!
  10. Yeah their working hard alright lol. And the drone rep cpu is bugged. DO never fixed it over the years and theres a 50% chance your drones won't repair, I had the issue many others did, DO doesn't fix it, and rare for them to suck it up and return the drones.
  11. why have back up servers if u not goin to use them do a restore dark orbit bin 18 hours know u lot not that dum to keep workin on something that u carnt find are u to see whats rong untill u do a restore then u look at the scrips to see whot caurst the problem would be more easyer opion dont u think
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2014
  12. This is not a problem on just 1 server but most all servers, my best guess is the backup servers are effected as well. Have a great day!
  13. I have no idea what you just said... learn some... proper grammar.. and how to spell...

    Anyways, yeah it has been too long, DO better fix this or I am requesting a premium extension since I can't play when I paid for something.
  14. This happened right after midnight on all servers. I play in 2 diffrent servers and niether will work it has been 12 hrs now I hope it works soon my drones are up there in damage also. USA WEST and USA EAST 2
  15. think my gramma fine it's my keypad thats maken me make mastakes as got to hit my keypad hard sometimes as wont get the space between wards or commers in words and my spellin is ok and if u now nout about building pcs u wont understand what im sayin lol
  16. Perhaps you need to improve on your reading skills...? I had no problems understanding what he said, despite the numerous flaws in his text. Besides, for all you know, that may be his 'text' language - quicker way for him, to type up something. :L
  17. How can he hijack his own thread? And the question is relevant to the topic at hand as it is a Kronos day, yet nobody can build or open gates.
  18. Wasn't paying attention to that, my bad, but still he needs to make a new thread as rules of the forums.
    I worked with my uncle who worked with pcs all his life, i know enough, if what you say is true then sure i understand, if it's an excuse... ha...
    I can still understand what he said, i have perfectly fine reading skills, i was just making a point his spelling blew, try using your head before commenting.

    On topic, wonder how much longer this crap will take to fix.. i'm getting quite irritated now.
  19. Bet you that servers will be up on sunday for mhh, and Dream demon I think you need to keep your nose out of chats as you are causing alot of arguments...
    mr_plaku™ likes this.
  20. lol, i Just finished E gate today at 4 am ( got my first LF4! :D) and little did I know that it was Kronos day xD
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