[UIP] Balance Patch needed Buffs/Nerfs

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GUMMO, Jun 15, 2021.

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  1. GUMMO

    GUMMO User


    Lets talk about the current state of the meta of darkorbit 2021. The new main ship for most players for Gates/PvE and PVP is the orcus with strong module and strong passive which doubles the module effect. Autolocks are also more annoying because they have always first shot on you and is hard to recover while in the pass we had also autolocks but didnt bother that much if they got first shot.

    The most popular playstyle at this moment is playing with no shield Moth config where you try to kill people HP as fast as possible. Because of the ''moth meta'' it make shield and some droneformation really useless. It really bad if you dont even need bo1 2 booster for shield anymore these days that game is to focus on dmg and hp only.

    I think this game really need a faster balance patch and hope meta where shield wil be important on PvP like it used to be here my request how to try balance things more out.

    Let start with the famous moth formation Today
    +20% Penatration
    +20% Hitpoint
    5% reduction shield every second

    When you play no shield config you have no penalty because you no shield anyway
    i think for me best new moth formation would be

    +20% Penatration
    - 10% Hitpoint
    3% reduction shield every second

    Moth config people depend to much on HP giving the 20% is a huge boost to there HP
    and make them much harder to kill with 3% reduction on shield give slow config players also the option to moth and not get punish to hard. 20% penatration think best let it stay would kill formation if we touch it. And this wont impact on PvE.

    Let talk about Crabformation suppose the counter of moth it did well in the pass against it but today it falling behind.

    Crabformation today.
    +20% Shield Absorbtion
    -15% Speed

    With penatration modules these day this wont safe you from moth me idea would buff this formation to

    +25% Shield Absorbation
    +5% HP
    -15% Speed

    Increase Shieldabsorbation would give you bit more time to stay alive increase HP as wel would make you give more chance to switch early to crab from hearth or moth and would give more other play option.

    Orcus Modules the ship is at this moment best overall ship with the crazy modules and the most common modules to drop for this ship it kicked the Goliath designs ship totally out from the game.

    Best way to balance this ship out
    Remove the passive effect of this ship in all normal maps. And keep the double module effect for gates so this ship wil stay good because it already got a ship abilty for PvE

    Petlink most stupid things they brough this game honestly think best way to just delete it.
    But i see stil potencial to balance it out just make it only work for Aliens.
    There no fun if you lose if opponent got link and you dont have because it change fights to much if you on cooldown or not and 1 item shouldnt be to powerfull.

    I like hear people opinion on meta if they enjoy the current one but i think this one went for to long, was fun first few months but now is time for a switch again. I would really like every season a big balance patch to fresh game up.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  2. I don't like the idea of nerfing moth that hard. I run a moth configuration with around 800k hp. If a single strong player combo me, I drop about half of my hitpoints. If two players were to gank me simultaneously, I may just survive if I react fast enough. Removing the HP boost from moth, or making it negative would make near impossible to turn a fight around when getting hit first if running a moth configuration, as you would potentially drop way below 50% life in just a split second (or getting popped before having a chance to react).

    I however very much like the idea of buffing the crab formation slightly (perhaps even a great deal?) to compensate for the tremendously strong shield penetration modules that have been added to the game lately. That would in a sense balance the moth formation as well, since the crab formation is (or at least used to be) a counter to that formation.

    So yeah, 25% shield absorbation for crab formation? Sounds like a great idea. I'd push that to 30% personally. Every strategy in a game is supposed to have a counter, and as of now, you can't really counter Orcus with 38% shield penetration. You could have a super strong P.E.T. with maxed HP, maxed protocols etc. (giving you 400k+ extra HP) which sort of gives you a chance to fight back, but that player will have that too so I wouldn't consider it a counter.

    My conclusion: Buff the Crab-Formation! Bring back a viable counter for shield penetration configurations.
  3. Wonder when DO changed from players winning cause they are better than others to players, winning in a pvp fight or even winning event's use to be possible.
    Now it's who get's the best roll on their modules also who uses cheats and uses them to win, Kind of sounds to me like the game has changed to some kind of gambling site so yeah after a year of not playing i am pretty sure they have changed my mind for good i will never play nor ever invest in a corrupt game like this one.
    Also know this post will be another deleted by our best mod's as every post i read are for changes to balancing the game out but it would be impossible to balance such a corrupt game.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
  4. GUMMO

    GUMMO User

    At this current meta the moth formation really dont have a penalty because you fly on no shield config. With the moth nerf that happend 1 year ago they increased the shield - % every second
    this was more a huge buff for the moth no shield users.

    Before the nerf the slowconfig shield player could use moth formation if the Double speed moth user was on his ring config. Now it punish the slowconfig player to much to make it lose instantly his shield in few seconds.

    But yeah if they plan to do buff and nerfs hope they atleast let players beta test it but at the moment i think we really need some changes to fresh the game again. Like a lot of top tier players stopped because of this one shot meta and dont have the pleassure if you die with 1 mil shield because of braindead penatrion moth users.

    Is really horrible indeed with the lucky highrolls people getting with modules and some people completing like 7 battlepass and stil got garbage modules. Is really unfair if you play disadvantage for months because you lowroll and need to wait till nex battlepass to get lucky.

    About the autolock yeah is indeed horrible and this meta favor the autolock user even more never was first shot so gamechanger in no shield config meta. We had autolockers in pass to but if they shot you first you stil got chance to win.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 19, 2021
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