
Discussion in 'General Issues' started by .ART98., Sep 27, 2023.

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  1. .ART98.

    .ART98. User

    German forum said, that there was a banwave.
  2. glad to hear it :)
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  3. Looked at the do stats site. nothing showing on there for the US servers.
  4. It takes some time for them to add banned players, will be there later
  5. Not that I have seen on my server the trains are still active. Matter of fact one flew by me in 1-8

    The other stuff is just maddening.
  6. At least 40 on east 1 are on time out. No idea who but my rank moved from 262 to 222.

    Would like to see them enforce the no apps rule and stop the ones doing it. The flying pattern is a dead giveaway in fights that its not a player.
  7. Well, my USA ship was top 92, now its top 83…
    Looks good so far.

    At GE1 not a single person got banned from top 48->1
    Kinda suspicious…

    But at least we see, that BP does something. Even if it’s not enough yet.

    Best regards
  8. They must have done a ban wave but just forgot all the ones botting in bl maps. >_<
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.
  9. BP doesn't ban players for botting they only report it to the ones who chose to or not to ban them!!!
  10. Just waiting to see the ones banned returned have all that honor returned and back in the top 50

    At least 40 were banned. There needs to be more enforcement on the apps.