Battle for Influence 2017

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, May 31, 2017.

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  1. You should add points for the kuiper gate, and then look at the points from the other gates.

    You should also make the event (CTB, TDM etc.) give more rewards because it's where the real team fighting is
  2. As noted earlier the 5 points for Missions has been done away with. This was one of the only ways for non-UFE players to be competitive. It seems like this event along with every other DO event favors the UFEs that farm new players. I have seen level 24 players sitting in x1, x-2, x-3, and x-4 maps racking up points killing level 6, 7, 8 players. If you are going to award 15 points for a kill it ought to be weighted.
    15 points for same level or higher
    13 pt's for -1 level
    11 pt -2 level
    9 PT -3
    6 -4
    3 -5
    0 PT -6 - -10
    -3 -11 - -15
    -6 -16 - -20
    This discourages bottom feeding and allows new player some relief from the harassment of this Event!

  3. When are they going to attend to the points garnered by killing bots or is that the intent of this Event?
  4. Not really fond of the fodder events.
    Need some better PVE quest completion acknowledgement.
  5. I liked the event until they got rid of points for Missions!
  6. I like the Solar Calendar except that it doesn't always come up.
  7. I guess that this is supposed to be fun:

    ***** 02-06-17 Death Эмануэль•⁞слэш&f Map: 3-4
    Эмануэль•⁞слэш&f Company: MMO Level: 23 Rank: 7 Map: 3-3.

    I play on multiple servers so some of my pilots are very low level. If I had just been starting out and this had happened I would have probably found another game. Rather than encouraging new players this type of event will drive them away from the game. I know that your high level players pay for the game and you do everything to make them happy but this is truly ridiculous!
  8. The Event Missions seem to encourage turning newer players into fodder. The Promerium mission encourages lower level players to go to at least x-3 and x-4 maps since there is no Promerium available before that. The Kris, Sibelon, Sibelonit mission encourages them to go to x-4, x-5 and x-6. This just seems to be to make easy target for the bottom feeding UFEs that are hunting there!
  9. so you only want missions in x-1 and x-2?
  10. This event is a lil bit Over Kill for the unbalanced/dead servers.. with no npc points not many fe people can do much but die to the uber fe spam. RIP US east 1.. punish the noobs

  11. I'm in total agreement with you on this one. Way to kill the server DO.
  12. I wanted something that discourages Level 20+ players from setting up shop in the lowers and picking off everyone to accumulate meaningless points! I like the weighted point system. A heavy hitter goes into an x-2 map and he starts losing points!
  13. The event shows that they don't care too much about newbies. It's the total opposite of newbe protection.
    BandaHill, batata and JacquesPhoque like this.
  14. newbies should be concentrating on building their ships right now not trying to win event's, how do you think it would be possible to compete with a UFE. It's the same when they come out with Hitac or Deameaner they all complain cause they can't be a part of it well news to them all the UFE's of today were not able to take part in the event's till they stuck it out and built a better ship. Yes sometimes the game isn't fun when your getting killed all the time but think about the UFE players for a bit do you think they never get killed or have hard times with event's? try having like 10 wars with the top clans and see even if you are able to partake with ease. The game is a constant battle from start to finish only sometime you get a break from pvp when you make good decisions on allies. Try and enjoy and remember we all UFE or not have strong battles to fight if you want to keep playing this game.
  15. Again DO is killing a event who was way much beter before.
    ]Coldheart[ likes this.
  16. I mean that the Ufe are killing the newbies only for the points now. The newbies are not even trying to play the event.
    BandaHill and JacquesPhoque like this.
  17. ================================================
    Not trying to 'win' an event; just trying to participate without heavy hitters always picking off the newbies so they get bragging rights on the bully street corner....
    BandaHill and JacquesPhoque like this.
  18. The way to win the event is to get as many point's as you can as fast as you can any way you can. :)
  19. How are you supposed to build your ships if your are being harassed by level 23 and 24 players who are farming you for Influence Points. Your statement is just another yea us for UFEs and screw you to everyone else.
    ]Coldheart[, BandaHill and batata like this.
  20. I think that the weighted point system would force the higher level players to think than just kill!
    ]Coldheart[, BandaHill and batata like this.
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