Battle Pass Keys

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by OhNoItsLegend, Sep 18, 2024.

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  1. What should I spend my battle keys on? I am a F2P 9 drone Solace, 29 RP 9 prom lasers. I spent 15 already on EE and ABR's, but don't really know what else to spend on. All the modules are for ships I do not have, I don't care for the Ship designs or the Solaris. I don't know what's all useful in there. So what would be best to spend them on?
  2. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    For stuff you haven't bought yet:

    = High priority =
    • Odysseus Laser - very rare / limited and best-in-slot for most content in the game. Equip it on your ship, not your drones as it doesn't work with drones.
    • Solaris - only if you plan to upgrade it to Solaris Plus in the future. Solaris Plus has potential to be the second highest damaging ship in the game under the right conditions and it's one of the easiest Plus ships to use. If you don't plan to right now, Solaris is usually available during the February event (Immortal Union), and if not it'll reappear from time to time.
    • Log Disks - 10 keys will get you a whopping 450 log disks. That's cheap! Very useful until you've got all the important pilot points.

    = Medium Priority =
    • Evocation Chip - get this if you have a NOVA with the double Uridium perk. It'll help you make back some Uridium from galaxy gates. Don't bother until you have a good NOVA perk, honestly. These are always available in events.
    • Schism Crystals - if you don't do a lot of galaxy gates then consider buying these to work towards your first elite rocket launcher. Schism is typically the limiting resource and takes ages to farm.
    • SPC-XT10 and DMG-XT10 modules - since Solace isn't a ship favoured by any of the modules in this event, these are the best modules to go for. They might land on bad ships and/or have bad perks, but they'll give you the best return for recycling. They're especially useful for endgame so it doesn't hurt to grab a few when you've nothing else to spend keys on.
    • Battle Pass Boxes - these are a big gamble. You might get lucky and get a laser, or more often than not just trash stuff. Assume the worst.
  3. What Are NOVA's btw? are they useful to trade keys for? I don't know what they do.

    Also, what about IAC, Indoctrine oil, and Kyhalon, Tetrathrin, and Bifenon?
  4. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    NOVAs are rechargeable temporary buffs, essentially. Normal NOVAs have 2 random perks. There's only 2-3 good perks of 15-20 total and they're relatively rare so it's not worth your keys before the other stuff. They're always available in battle pass events and other sources.

    IAC's for crafting Plus ships and some equipment upgrades for levels 17-20. You can get some from the login calendar and other events, which will usually be more than enough by the time you need it for a Plus ship. As for equipment upgrades, levels 17+ are late endgame and miniscule upgrades. Not worth considering anytime soon.

    I-Oil's for crafting some ships, elite rocket launchers and most upgrade levels. If you need it for getting level 16 drones, then yeah, buy it. I'd say beyond drones and rocket launchers it's not worth spending keys on as there's other sources for it. E.g. the June battle pass event had a special list of recipes to craft which gave a generous amount of IAC, I-Oil, ABR etc.

    Kyhalon, Tetrathrin and Bifenon are for crafting elite rocket launchers. You can get a fair amount from missions and R-series dispatches. If you're at the point that you're just missing these to craft a rocket launcher, then it's worth, but usually Schism will be the limiting resource and you'll have more than enough Kyhalon etc when you need it.