Battle pass

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ZabusXant, Mar 27, 2024.

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  1. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    I tried looking around but couldn't find what I wanted. Or I might've overlooked it. If I purchase the Battle Pass, I get keys.. If I get for example 60 keys, and decide to spend 30 during mimesis event, whenever the next objectives come around will the 30 remaining keys carry over or must I spend all of them on this mimesis event?

    Edit: If I buy a battle pass for the mimesis event, how long would it last? Or is it just until mimesis event is over?
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2024
  2. tibstar

    tibstar User

    Unspent keys converted to Honour points at end of event
  3. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    Thanks, tibstar.
    Can close
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