Battle Station Modules

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by fusion82, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. fusion82

    fusion82 User

    I am looking to find out how much damage each module will deal on the battle station with and without upgrades. Is there a chart that gives these details? If someone has any information that i can use, it would be appreciated. I have been looking throughout the forum and I'm not having any luck. Please Help!

    Thank You,
    [​IMG] 95069544
  2. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello fusion82

    We do not have any official data on the CBS Modules. I will leave this open for a few days in case any players have any input to assist, but there are no charts available at the moment (to the best of my knowledge).
  3. fusion82

    fusion82 User

    =SERAPH=Thank you for your reply. Darkorbit has produced the modules for the battle station. I have to believe there is some kind of information that can be given. What is the point of spending the uri leveling the mods if the damage they deal is unknown.

    The boosters i am not concerned with. The laser, rocket, hull and deflector are my primary interest, the hit points and shields i can see when a base is built, but what is the damage they deal with a minimum of lvl 1 upgrade. Do the upgrades for the deflector affect all the mods or just the hull and what exactly does the deflector contribute the the BS and does upgrading it give it any kind of boost other than a visual affect of the asteroid/complete hull when the BS is built? I understand that turning it on will protect the BS, but does the mod itself add anything to the BS by upgrading it like faster/more regenerating time, more shields/hit points to the other BS mods?

    There is so much information on everything else in the game and little to nothing about the Battle station its self. Is there a way/place i can test this?

    Thank you in advanced for your input,
  4. whoeva

    whoeva User

    Upgrading the deflector will give you marginally more shield time for each 30 minutes you lower the shields for. I believe at max level the boost is 15% so if I remember right during prime time 1 hour of shields being down would give 10 hours of deflector time. A maxed out lvl 16 deflector would give 11.5 hours instead.

    As far as the upgrades for rocket and laser mods all I know is that looking at the upgrade screen it looks like a max lvl 16 mod will give a 30% boost which applies to both hp and damage.

    I'm sorry I don't know the base damage values that this boost would apply to and I agree that detailed information is typically lacking. I don't really understand the reluctance to provide the information unless they have just completely overlooked the fact that it would be nice for the player to try and make an informed decision regarding which modules to choose.

    All we have really been told is high damage, low range, medium accuracy etc but how much damage? how far? how often?
  5. This is all stuff that players could test and find out, given enough cooperation and coordination. Approximately at the very least
  6. Typically, when buying something, like a car, or a toaster oven.....The puchaser is given info about the product to help encourage the sale....Like how much horse power and cup holders the car has , or the wattage for the toaster.

    Same principle should be applied here.

    I going out on a limb to say it is just lazyness on the companies part. Writing a FAQ takes time ( sort of ?) , "so why bother" is their opinion ( I assume). If not, they would have provided one by default, as that is CUSTOMARY on MOST purchases ANYWHERE.

    This game likes to go against the grain in terms of customer knowledge and general satisfaction lolz. Go figure. A less informed customer will make more frequent, bad purchases...I assume that is just how Dark Orbit likes it and wants it to stay.

    The players develop most faq's and strategy ( read what NOT to do or buy) on our own...Thank god, or else we would be flying in the dark.
  7. Please tell me this was a pun
  8. I don't think so it is since, this game is called 'Dark....t' :rolleyes:
  10. I too have always found it extremely odd how non-forthcoming the developers are when it comes to giving information on how things in the game work. And when somebody asks in forums the mods, who are the first line (albeit unpaid volunteers) representatives of the company can just say "uhh yeah, we weren't given that information." It's not the mods fault. BP just seems to like to play their cards pretty close to their chest. I'd like to think it's not due to the reason Pie states above (ensuring uniformed customers waste uri on bad purchases) but sometimes you really get that sense.