Battleray icon reduction

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Morkani, Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. Morkani

    Morkani User

    First, let me get this out of the way... Yes, I do enjoy the occasional "raging" of the battle ray, & i see the reasons for the implimentation of the battleray icon, but to have it visible from anywhere on the map I feel cheapens the level 3 enemy locator & all the freaking uri i spent on 12 level 3 radar protocols. Prior to the battleray icon, anyone who had invested in these items had no problems finding the battleray regardless of where it was dragged to. I feel cheated for purchasing all these items, yes i use the radar and locator for other purposes, but one of them was for the ray.
    I suggest rather that the battleray icon is only visible if you are within radar range (like it was when the change was first implimented) it is much more visible than a red dot but at least it still requires a dedicated person to locate it if it's not at it's spawn point.
    2nd suggestion?, stick another battleray in 5-2, or in a different spot in 5-3.
    3rd suggestion? make the interceptors "dry out" after killing the ray's stockpile of interceptors, he won't spawn more.

    thanks for your time.

    Morkani :)

    (edited for grammer & spelling)
  2. accept ur idea of 1 more battleray at 5-2 i dont like it at all
    the guys who spend tons of uri in this just want that no change would come in this by babbling that they have spent that much uri in all those items (darkorbit didnot told you to spend uri it was you )
  3. I prefer the battle ray being fully visible. If you are on a server like mine you have a select few players flying through equipment, galaxy gates, upgrades and PP because they literally spend all day farming the ray. 2-3weeks ago i could go over there and pop them off the ray. Now they have earned so much uri from just sitting there that they can now pop me. Simple fact is: People are making way too much for doing nothing and the battleray icon means everyone can go shoot them off it all day long!
    hellseeker685 likes this.
  4. Yes totally agree with you because now everyone in pally can see where the ray is and what is happening on it. Also the new icon has made the people farming the inters on the ray stop so its a good thing.
  5. Morkani

    Morkani User

    It's 350,000 uri to buy all the radar's and the protocol, that's not counting unlocking the slots. no, dark orbit didn't force me to buy those, but they DID say if i wanted to see where a particular alien was from far away i'd need those. making the battleray visible from far away removes one of the reasons for buying those items, and now others don't have to waste their uri and can spend that 350k on something else i didn't get the option to.
  6. They did this for the ray only because people were stealing the ray, taking it to a secret place and farming it and gaining large amounts of uridium so it was unfair in a lot of people so they put this in to stop this from happening they didn't do it to rob people of their uridium but they did it to make things even for everyone.
    burkey likes this.
  7. As Diamond has said above my friend. Dark orbit had to make a choice. Create an angry mob of those who spent thousands of uri on the pet protocols or keep the angry mob of genuine players who are fed up with these people farming the ray. It became like bots. They were just sat there all day clicked Kami and Aegis abilities gaining a good 50k+ uri a day. Now a lot of the complaints (atleast on my server) were from the big spenders. Think of it in a logical manor. Some people spent thousands of £££ on uri to get all their kit. These guys are sitting there getting loads of uri for doing nothing which if you think: That was the biggest issue with bots: Farming loads of uri in x-2 maps while they are not there. It would be an alright idea IF people didn't exploit the ray.
  8. Wouldn't mind a B ray in 5 2 or even 5 1 but it is only one alien so I don't really get bothered by it being visible on the mini. many more aliens that the enemy locater can be used for.
  9. No the BattleRay in 5-1 and 5-2 would just be farmed. This is bad because they will get lots for uri and also the rank points. People also do this because as said by dark. They do nothing but kami and sit around and kill the inters. The inters give 1 rank point much like strueners and lordakiums did. However people who farmed the Ray killed like 10k a day and can end up with 10k rank points as easy as that. The BattleRay in 5-1 would be worse because no one ever goes in 5-1 and no one would care about people farming the ray in 5-1 so try will continue to farm the ray without anyone bothering to look
  10. Morkani

    Morkani User

    i completely understand the reason why they implimented the battleray icon as i mentioned in my OP, but the fix they chose cheapens my locator & radars. I'm only raising the possibility they might consider a different fix.
    Also, i think people are overestimating how much uri you can get doing the ray, you can get the same amount cubing or boxing (anywhere from 10-15k/hour depending on how many people are raging, max of 15k/hour if only 2 people). also I know of no one who "bots" the ray, and anyone who did/does i feel should of course be banned. raging the ray is INCREDIBLY booring, but something to do while you talk to your friends on teamspeak. If DO want's to make raging the ray illegal then have them post the rule and ban people who rage, but they haven't done so so there's nothing wrong with raging the ray, so everyone who says people are "abusing" the ray or doing anything wrong by raging it needs to check themselves because dark orbit is aware people rage it and is not saying it's wrong. the "fix" they put in with the ray icon doesn't even keep people from raging, it only invites people to pvp, but those people in my oppinion should have to buy locator & radar protocol's, if you do so you can see where the ray is from 1/2 way across the map. THAT'S why the icon is bad.
  11. Ya that is true I didn't think of that would be bad idea to have more b rays in the other pirste maps
  12. Yes and it also make 5-3 more unique and exciting like if you get bored of pally you could just kill the bray once and go back to pally :p
  13. Ehhh I think a B-Ray should be in 5-3 and 5-1, both have pally, so i mean...
  14. Someone else had a solution which could work. CAP the number of inters the ray spits out. Maybe 3 bursts then none as I know **NOT ACCUSING** that some people use Auto-clickers and then they can go do what ever they want away from the computer but if they capped the inters then Auto-Clickers would be useless. Also a cap would mean taking it off spawn would be useless as after maybe 3 bursts you have to kill the ray and get the next one. That mixed with the icon could work. The locators work on EVERYTHING else. You don't need it for the ray. What ever they implement will render the locator useless. They limit the inters, no one will take it off spawn so you don't need to look. They make it so it doesn't move then you don't need to look for it. Someone kills it you don't need to look for it. Basically mate: What ever they do will render your locators useless.
  15. Morkani

    Morkani User

    I like this "fix" at least better than the one that's there now. However, contrary to your comment, this "fix" doesn't render my locator useless. if the battleray doesn't show on minimap, people won't be able to tell (just by looking at the minimap) if the ray is there or not, (and don't forget, this icon doesn't only affect people raging, it affects people trying to finish top of the food chain quest as well, i spent 8 hours yesterday killing 60 ray's for that quest, luckily it was during the day on a weekday so not too many people noticing the ray disappearing every 5 minutes. If you have the locator, you can put your pet away and bring him back out to see if the bray is even spawned right now. if the icon isn't on the map people will either need to use the locator to see if the ray is spawned, or will have to go look for themselves. But at least it isn't front and center.
  16. Yes but if the icon doesn't appear on the map then it isnt on the map so that way people can tell when to go and pop the Ray
  17. Not many people will pop you off the ray on any server. People pop you off the ray for farming it. The introduction of the icon is so you can see when some noob with no skill has dragged it into the maze or into a corner to farm it for hours on end. Thinking logically: Removing the icon makes your uridium spent on the locators worthless as those people farming the ray will make the exact same amount of uri back or even more in a day or 2 so you worked for your uri and maybe emptied your wallet. These guys wont even be paying attention to make what you earned. The icon is so we can all see when it is being farmed and then we can go pop the farmers.
  18. I think many of you are missing the point. Saying farming the ray is bad/illegal is like saying boxing or cubing for hours should be illegal. When I started the ray quests, I would always grab a friend and we would go find it and pop the people off it. Then, we could kill as many of them as we wanted for our quests.
    About the radar protocols and enemy locator, that is all your fault for buying them man. I bought the aegis, but then I learned it would be coming out for credits soon. That is my fault. I cannot complain about it. Rather, I enjoy the fact that I have what I do.
    People farming the ray is perfectly fine, and I believe that they should add another one to 5-1 because it takes quite a long time to do the 100 ray quest when it spawns every 5 minutes and someone is already on it. People already "abuse" (as you guys put it) the ray in 5-3, so what's the difference if they add one to 5-1?
  19. I agree to 2 last update ideas of yours, because certain top clans raid battlerays interceptors all day and all night, so its not almost never available these days.

    I think second battleray should be sticked in 5-3 or why not also to 5-1
    It would actually give meaning for 5-1 existence if it would be sticked there.
    Now 5-1 is just like "empty space"
    It has no meaning.

    And also I think battleray should be abel to regenerate op, much slower rate.
    That would make it pop sometimes, and propably make it available others also.
  20. As I said before, is anything inherently wrong with farming the battleray? That is a factor built into the game. It rages and you can then kill many more interceptors than if you didn't rage it. It's not a cheat, hack, or glitch. No one complains about Crazy Cubes...:rolleyes:

    As far as the ideas, I'd love a battleray in 5-1 and I feel that the respawn time of the battleray needs to be decreased. For the OPs ideas, I do not feel that having the icon available only within radar range is right. The pet costs 50k uri and the enemy locator gear(level 3 obviously) costs 37.5k uri and the protocols cost 25k each. It's not fair for all of the others who do not have those things. Rather than complain, you should be thankful that you have those gears and protocols and once again, it's your fault for buying them:p Also, I would not want it to "dry out" as you suggest.