Beginner Achievements

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 28, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Beginner Achievements

    For new players, there are unique Beginner's Achievement quests to help you out when starting.
    They are very simple, and they will give you a little bit of information on how to play:

    Achievements Beginners.jpg

    This just shows a few of the achievements in the list.
    It will give you the details for what you need to do, and the reward you will get for it.

    They are quite easy; destroy a Streuner to receive an LF-2 laser, for example.
    If you have completed the quest successfully, it will glow gold as in the picture above.
    You will receive the reward instantly once you have completed a quest.

    Some of these rewards can be bought at a cheap price over and over again.
    The prices may vary across servers, depending on the currency used.
    You just click the "Buy now" icon, and it will take you directly to the Banking page to purchase the item.

    You can only take part in these Beginner's Achievements (and the buying option) from Levels 1-2.
    These rewards will never be available again once you have reached Level 3.

    Tip: Try and do all of these quests as soon as possible to receive these early benefits.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
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