Best Browser

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Oracle, Dec 29, 2013.

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  1. Oracle

    Oracle User

    hello. could you please tell me whixh is the best browser for gaming?


  2. Internet explorer:eek:
    But I am use Opera;)
  3. Comodo Dragon works real well for me.
  4. SRWare Iron
  5. Oracle

    Oracle User

    Internet explorer is the worst :)
  6. pecanin

    pecanin User



    3.there is no 3
  7. Maki

    Maki User

    Firefox is good for me.
  8. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Firefox here, all the years of playing and still no complains..
  9. I have always used chrome because it seemed like the most effective, I tried using firefox but game ran very slowly, the reason for it being slow however might have just been my computer. I recommend chrome to anyone, it's fast and reliant and an overall good browser. :)
  10. Anka07

    Anka07 User

    crome play
  11. DatDino

    DatDino User

    Opera and Firefox
  12. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Firefox is best in my eyes ^_^
  13. Iron is a stripped down version of Chrome with no bells or whistles. I only use it for D.O. so it doesn't get cluttered up with cookies 'n' stuff from other sites. It works really well for me.
    MajorLukeDinnit on GB1 & US West
    CaptainSlog on GB1, GB2 & US East
  14. Google Chrome or Firefox
  15. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I have used the following-

    1. Internet Explorer: ... Do I have to explain why this is a bad choice?
    2. Chrome: I have not had any troubles with it, but some have had trouble with it in the past
    3. Firefox: Personal favorite and best
    4. Opera: Moderate browser
  16. There is no data transmission from your browser if you use Iron. On the other hand google requests data. If you use chrome you are sending data to google.
  17. I'd say Google Chrome & Opera coming 2nd.
  18. I prefer Safari, but thats just me :p. For some reason I tend to freeze up on chrome, and am unable to click right on firefox. My Mac must hate those browsers :/
  19. OMG thank you so much. I started using Iron and my gaming experience is so much better. Definitely SRWare Iron ftw :)
  20. It depends alot on computer too. On new computer, like where is standard windows 7/8 , Iron and Google Crhome are the best. Not so new computer, like windows 6, mozilla or opera is pretty good. Minilaptops, haveto say that any browser u use on minilaptop, it's haveto be only one workinh browser on that then :D